Pictures of the BC Seed King Juicy Gypsy...


Well-Known Member
no,i have a short fuse for those fire crackers,not to get into specifics because people know the story,but when my son was 3 years old a famous bank gang was going through this city for thier summer son and i were on the sidewalk waiting for the bus,my son started screaming then crying,make a long story short he had his ear drum damaged and couldnt hear out that ear for is mostly healed now,but it never helped his balance as he grew or his school work,so you can imagine my reaction getting woken up at 6 in the morning or 4 at night.but like i said i asked politely the first time,but not the second.


Well-Known Member
ya the echo off of the buildings trapped the sound in,more then 60 bikes with the thrush mufflers or what ever thier called rolling down the street,you could not believe the noise,an old lady a few yards down was in trouble too, but i could only handle a freaked out child.,,my ears wrang for a week,baby ears got damaged.the doc said if his head wasnt turned in such away he could of been def.


Well-Known Member

But shit happens though...

I was riding one day minding my own business... and got side swiped by a bus (RV) running a red light at 60mph...

I got 5 surgeries, 2 dozen screws... major scarring and pain for the rest of my life.. not to mention that my favorite helmet broke to pieces...

I was flown out in a helicopter, and kept under observation for weeks...

STILL HURTS TODAY... more than 10 years after...


and in physical therapy, I met a lady learning to be blind at age 57...

and a dude that fell 4 stories and broke his neck in 2 places... but was NOT paralyzed...

Then when they took him out of the ambulance, they dropped him, and pralyzed him from the neck down FOREVER...


So .. shit does happen...


I was hurt by a friendly old couple, on vacation, that were enjoying their trip so much .. the failed to see the light turn RED... all this VERY quietly... I might add...


I am truly sorry for your son's ordeal... truly... but shit does happen... if not one thing then another...

None of us gets out of here alive...


Well-Known Member
i dont know my bodies wired together,ive been in more accidents then i can remember,10 years of being wasted and in crazy jams left me dissabled,but thier was no need for those mufflers,over 3/4 were illegal.just like the guy down the street,his was well above the legal decibels.just the same as those old double thrushes we put on our trucks,they would wake up the town.but you never kept your windshiels or head lights for longer then a week.i can understand people wanting to be safe i have many family that ride bikes,but they dont have the mufflers im talking of,i dont even know what thier called.but no one wants to get woken up by the dude down the street,and he wasnt about wanting to be safe,he thought he was cool because every head would turn to see were all the noise was coming from.when i talked to him about it his first responce was fuck you.wrong answer.


Well-Known Member
Well on a lighter note,,,,,That juicy fruit is probably the most mouth watering stuff I have ever seen (and Im not a kid). You take some nice pix also,,, wow,, just wow. I cant wait to have the money to buy some of those seeds,,, damm bad economy......


Well-Known Member
i worked with a guy we called gypsy,he was a rod buster,and loved his smoke,im sure ho would love your juicy fruit cut,i know i would.