Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro


Active Member
Yea man. The kush is pissing me off. Lol the pineapple expres is all nice and buddy and beautiful. The kush is a monster. Just a epic fuck ton of leaves that won't stop stretching. It gets me so angry ive thought of pulling the bitch lol. I guess these two strains are not good to scrog together but I do not like the kush genetics at all. Long ass noids with long ass branches. Pineapple is a perfect plant. I will grow very many times again. Here are the pics. Just did a res changeover with 1000ppm of great white, big bud, b52, bloom and micro.



Active Member
Got a question. I have the light higher then I would like for the PE cause I don't want to burn the bitch kush leaves. Should I throw up cfls above the kush so it has so good light all the way on that right side. Like 4-6 23w flowering cfls?? Just don't want the bitchs weight to suffer cause she a stretchy hoe and doesn't get maxium light effenecy.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
Got a question. I have the light higher then I would like for the PE cause I don't want to burn the bitch kush leaves. Should I throw up cfls above the kush so it has so good light all the way on that right side. Like 4-6 23w flowering cfls?? Just don't want the bitchs weight to suffer cause she a stretchy hoe and doesn't get maxium light effenecy.
Probably wouldn't be a bad idea maybe put a couple on the PE also since the light has to be higher.

You ever think about supper cropping the kush... might slow the growth but will help with the head room.


Active Member
Hey Guys,
I had to laugh... I've got Kany Kush, PE, Power African and Tropicanna all at 6 weeks 3 days of flowering, and the KK is about 4'6"! LOL!
I'm obviously not restricing the growth of mine - but I have really run out of head room on my grow set-up39 days Closet.jpg
The PE WILL be perfect for Scrog or SOG! Mine has 7 huge perfect colas all symmetrically spaced in a perfect circle all by themselves.


Active Member
Lol sucks huh? Pain in the ass stretchers. I'm just glad my screen is 75% pineapple express lol. I'll throw a couple up above the kush and lower it on the PE side. Super crop? I have herd of it but dont remember what it is.


Active Member
Got a question. I have the light higher then I would like for the PE cause I don't want to burn the bitch kush leaves. Should I throw up cfls above the kush so it has so good light all the way on that right side. Like 4-6 23w flowering cfls?? Just don't want the bitchs weight to suffer cause she a stretchy hoe and doesn't get maxium light effenecy.
Definitley wont hurt anything ahhaha! Go for it!

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
you just bend the stem sideways and it slows the growth long enough for it to heal then takes off... dangerous though... high stress


Active Member
"you just bend the stem sideways and it slows the growth long enough for it to heal then takes off... dangerous though... high stress"
yes - very high stress - especially at 6 + weeks into flower, they're not going to stretch that much anymore anyway....
I wouldn't take that chance now, but it's a must for the veg .

Here are a few more pics taken this morning - during my rounds around the ole Farmstead.
The other thing I forgot to mention about the Kandy Kush - is that it seems to want to take an additional 2 weeks (at least) to mature -
it is easily 2 weeks behind all my others.
Over all - these plants seem to be doing well - and I expect a decent return in harvest.
2-400 watts - with flow through cooling (absolute necessity in AZ)

These plants have really been through a lot...
they survived every method I threw at them in my ignorant attempts to help them grow.
Everything that makes them strong and healthy now - has also almost been their death...
the lights, the nutes, the heat and humidity, transplanting, too much water... all typical newbie mistakes that have to be made to be believed.

I was wrong (imagine that!) about the height of the KK - it's only 3'9".
one of the Tropicanna got to be that size - only because of my lack of persistant watchfullness.
The PE is 3' 4" - the Power africa is 3' 6" and I have one Tropicanna at 3'8", 3'11" and 4'4".
All of the Trops could have been LSTed for a more manageable size.

These are all very top heavy now as well - I need to be very cautious when moving them as they could break relatively easily -
even though the stems are 1" in diameter average.
I've switched 5 out of 6 plants to straight water as of this morning - I figure about another couple weeks and i'll be chopping these down...
the trichs are still very clear on all of the plants - but i scope them all closely every morning.
KK full.jpgKK 2.jpgKK 3.jpgKK 1.jpg


Active Member
Originally Posted by growalater
Got a question. I have the light higher then I would like for the PE cause I don't want to burn the bitch kush leaves. Should I throw up cfls above the kush so it has so good light all the way on that right side. Like 4-6 23w flowering cfls?? Just don't want the bitchs weight to suffer cause she a stretchy hoe and doesn't get maxium light effenecy.

Hey Dude...
why don't you consider putting something under the PE to raise them up instead?
A 6" box or a small stack of 2x4 pieces will bring you up to the height you need!


Active Member
I live in az too lol that's why I have air cooled and the cab has it's own portable ac too. Looking nice man. Very sexy.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dude...
why don't you consider putting something under the PE to raise them up instead?
A 6" box or a small stack of 2x4 pieces will bring you up to the height you need!
that is somewhat difficult to do in a scrog set up.. I say bend the top of the KK that are growing so tall and tie them off some way..your stretch should be slowing to a crawl by now anyway...say about 5-7 days of slow stretch left. and more cfl can't hurt as long it does not hurt your temps.


Active Member
Yea I'm just going to roll with it. They of course have gotten taller sense last lights out. If they grow to tall fuck em let em burn lol. PE looks awesome. Smells so good. Tricnomes all over leaves already.


i agree with loving the way the PE grows i have 1 in the water farm and it has been so much easier than the sharksbreath i am growing along side of it.I just flipped to 12/12 today and i will take a mess of cuttings tomorrow next round will be 2 of these girls and out of all the PE reports everyone seems to love it as well,has been a great plant to scrog my SLH will just have to wait its turn.Your grow looks great i stuck with scottyballs method of 1 nute and my plants have stayed unbelievably healthy been really happy.I agree fuck the cush if your screen is 75% PE. happy holidays.


Active Member
i agree with loving the way the PE grows i have 1 in the water farm and it has been so much easier than the sharksbreath i am growing along side of it.I just flipped to 12/12 today and i will take a mess of cuttings tomorrow next round will be 2 of these girls and out of all the PE reports everyone seems to love it as well,has been a great plant to scrog my SLH will just have to wait its turn.Your grow looks great i stuck with scottyballs method of 1 nute and my plants have stayed unbelievably healthy been really happy.I agree fuck the cush if your screen is 75% PE. happy holidays.
Yea I decided to not go with one nutrient and I can tell my nuts are doing a killer job. My leaves are so covered with crystal tichs it's crazy. Plants are so healthy and beautiful. I love the nutrient line up I'm using. Great white is perfect to help clean your res and keep from getting root rot. Thanks for popping in man.


Active Member
Damn Grow....that plant is taking over that cab! Look at those beasty bitches.... very nice my man. Cant wait to see how big those buds get.....hey what bulb are you using? I know its an HPS but what brand?