pineapple express suffering please help!!


Well-Known Member
hi all,
I have recently moved and lost Alto of equipment including my nutes, my pineapple express is flowering and she is 6 weeks old, I am not able to get nuts ATM because every penny went into moving, so I have been looking threw a bit from the old house and started using fizzy ferts which has a npk of 15-15-15, n is very high, I also have been adding meal worm castings, it was all going surprisingly well and now all of a sudden some of the stems of leaves have turned purple and the bottom set of leaves have turn yellow and curling and around the plant I am starting to see some yellowing around the rest of the plant, may I ask if someone knows what this is, and how I could fix this, she is from my first cfl grow, I am moving to hps setup after she has finished, bit I'm not about to give up on her now, thanks


Would need a pic bud.
My pineapple express done that aswell its no problem .
Aint it an 8 week strain and if so im prity sure its normal for a plant to go yellow from bottom up .
But like i said pics would be better


Well-Known Member
I'm only on my phone at the moving, so it wonky let me post pics from my gallery, 1 bottom set of leafs are half yellow from the outside in, the very first set of leafs that forms on my lady have turned yellow and are dying and on a few leafs around the middle of are getting yellow tips around the edges, does this help?


Yet bud sound like nitrogen deff .it happens late in flower or if the roots get to cold at night it makes it hard for the roots absorb nitrogen but if like u say u are at week 6 on a 8 week strain u wont that to happen .just pull off the dead bottom leaves.


Also the cold at night can make purple show on the express or could be a triat the the express carries in its genetics.the only prob could be on ur main steam if u have purple vains its could be phospheros deff but only if u have purple vains .and i think u said it was only on the leaf stem which is genetic trait.