Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.


Well-Known Member
are you refering to the one under the fish tank? it got nute burned i added too much one time and im using fox farms ocen forrest soil and it has plenty of nutreints for em i jus got a little carried away and you are using miracle grow right? thats probably y your soil may be an extended feed alot of them are that way for up to 3 months you have to be careful, i grew with mg at first but had to much problems with nute burns nd such so i got fox farms and now i use fox farms and general hydroponics 3 part and kool bloom dry and liquid i run them all togther in hydro but only ff in soil.


Well-Known Member
i get mine locally at a garder store they started carrying it upon my request and its abilitys for vegtables lol nd i was tired of deiving 3 hrs to get it lol u can order it as well look online for stores around you that mayu carrie it

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Alright man thanks,
Your helping me alot lol.
Thats only my official grow anyways,
I think im doing pretty decent. :D
Your doing crazy though,
cant wait too see the harvest!



Well-Known Member
you are doing wonderful man and im definatly ready for harvest id much rather be watchin the wrangler national finals with a joint lol im thinkin about the 22 or 29th of this month im counting the days now lol

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
you are doing wonderful man and im definatly ready for harvest id much rather be watchin the wrangler national finals with a joint lol im thinkin about the 22 or 29th of this month im counting the days now lol
Your going to be smoking ALOT!



Well-Known Member
lol i hope im excited to make some hash this round and definatly ready to harvest i cut a small bud and smoked it wet eariler in tha day and got pretty stoned it tasted like ass but it got me high so o well i was gonna cut some and quick dry it but i looked and actually dident cut i was proud of myself i jus want a harvest to last till im cuttin the others and i can make it if i dont sell ny nd smoke ill be the only one regularly tokin off it unless my friends come over and wanna get stoned my brothers will be buggin me for some they both sell dank ass smoke but they love what i grow.


Well-Known Member
alrught im going to do an update today the soure creame is showing preflowers under the fishtank in 24 7 light but i have no room under the hps i may switch the lights to 12 12 if i can find a timer jus to get em started but give me a minuit and ill be back with a video.


Well-Known Member
thanks man im definatly ready for harvest only smikin when my brothas come over or friends to get smoke from my brothas lol i need some personal


Well-Known Member
nicelookin plants pit.. ive missed a week or so on here and you already got more flowers poppin up and such... very nice man...


Well-Known Member
haha thanks man i appreciate it go back a few pages and read the link sicc posted it is the genitecs of the seed sounds pretty badass

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ive always fancied mangus genetics but never got round to trying any. Ill ear mark the page that sez motivation lol.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: alaskan ice wake and bake:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
haha hello mr. west yes i am very pleased with this plant very pleased it has performed wonderful and actually has gotten me hooked on hydro i jus hope all the other strains i decide to grow are as forgiving as this one for a noob on hydro

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yeah u may of reached the top b4 u start. Im sure there are other strains that suit ur growing style


Well-Known Member
lets hope ive been thinkn about takin clones but i havent had the time or really want to go mess with my cabs or cloners