
:lol: And TAPE! Gen, I wanted to reiterate the importance of something you mentioned, and that is that the dog have a "job". One could postulate that the whole reason for domestication to have occurred in the first place was that humans were giving "jobs" to the animals we domesticated. I know for a fact that a bored border collie is a ruinous dog, because they're smart and really do need something to occupy their minds. Same for almost all dogs (except Old Missy Dawg, she's content living life as a lump).

yeah lol... I have had some kick back dogs ..like you said living as a lump that farts breaths and then eats...lol
FL illegal? what counties? Denver and a few other cities,i know of them being illegal, but where in fl.

In Miami-dade county.

Okay look... see the video.
YouTube - Patch Sit
Now could you really believe a thing like that could ever strike for no reason. they aim to plz ppl. the prefer ppl to other dogs. that's why most pits need a family to really feel good. they need a job such as protecting the kids, pull sumthng, anything really to make them feel as if they have a purpose. i love my pitty.
pitbull awareness day. took Mack and Babie up to the fairgrounds. A lot
of cool people.
Had Babie pull. She did awesome for her first time. I stopped her at 6 bricks. She wasn't liking it anymore. Could of done at least 2 times that.
I had a lady from the SPCA come up to me about having her on a harness when around other dogs. Any ways as soon as i Told her i was breeding Mack and Babie I got attacked by 6 other people telling me to spay her now, shes going to get sick, blah blah blah. I told them they were show dogs and weight pullers, the all backed off and said o then ya i guess you can't.
pitbull awareness day. took Mack and Babie up to the fairgrounds. A lot
of cool people.
Had Babie pull. She did awesome for her first time. I stopped her at 6 bricks. She wasn't liking it anymore. Could of done at least 2 times that.
I had a lady from the SPCA come up to me about having her on a harness when around other dogs. Any ways as soon as i Told her i was breeding Mack and Babie I got attacked by 6 other people telling me to spay her now, shes going to get sick, blah blah blah. I told them they were show dogs and weight pullers, the all backed off and said o then ya i guess you can't.

I hate humans!:wall:
I had a lady from the SPCA come up to me about having her on a harness when around other dogs. Any ways as soon as i Told her i was breeding Mack and Babie I got attacked by 6 other people telling me to spay her now, shes going to get sick, blah blah blah. I told them they were show dogs and weight pullers, the all backed off and said o then ya i guess you can't.
I don't understand what the problem is. Maybe I don't understand dog harnessing or something. Is it so different from having them otherwise leashed while around other dogs?
She noticed that Babie approached other dogs, with her tail wagging but some hair standing up. So she was telling me how to control her. She stated that having her on a harness gets them to pull and have lack of control. I disagreed with her. Babie may approach other dogs like that, but i know my dog, i know when she gets to excited. I diffuse the situation before it turns bad. she said having the leash hooked to her collar, lets you bring her close. i then showed her how i bring her close to me with just the harness. Babie is extremely powerful, 78 pounds of all muscle and head. A collar is not enough.

I really could not believe how they at attacked me about breeding her. I told all 6 of them i didnt appreciate it, and that it was extremely disrespectful,and un-professional to approach some one like that.
Ahhh, this looks like an open door to show off my doggies. Yup, one is a pit/boxer mix. We call him a pitster.


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I've never met a staffy or a pit that wasn't a sweetheart unless owned by some piece of crap inner city/trailer park shithead. I've also never met anyone who presented themselves as a thug or a gangsta that was anything but an insecure, fear motivated individual who somehow stopped maturing emotionally at the age of at most 12. It's a sad situation most of these guys are in having been neglected or abused as kids they go out and find some poor animal to abuse and neglect simply to prop themselves up.

It's doubly unfortunate that some of these tards actually get into breeding these dogs and cater to the same warped outlook.

My dogs are family and I'd risk my own safety (and have done it in the past) without hesitation for any one of my 3 dogs.
This thread is dead so i feel the need to jump start it! look at Mack 3.5 months. if you look back 3 or 4 pages i posted pics when he was 2 months. grown so much. every time i see him his legs are bigger his chest is broader. gonna be a beast. or what critics like to call a Hippo. the brindle is really coming out now. kinda cool blue/brindle


gorgeous dog! how old is he 10-11 months? have papers on him? i give them the same bones to! I hate those raw hides, they dont digest properly.
Thank you. he's 15 months. Yep he's on papers but he's registered as a Patterdale terrier/lab because they're banned in Ontario, and he'd be euthanized if they didn't alter his records.Those bones don't agree with him at all. He ate that bone in 3 hours and shit bricks for the next 48 hours. Wasn't a good look.
Really that bone in the picture tears him up? The raw hides "white looking" are the ones that tear up my dogs. I found cow hooves for .99 cents. The best, they go nuts over them.
There is no scale on the new skin. just the post # and report post.
Any APBT? Can it be mixed? like APBT/lab? That unfortunate about that ban. Not far, Punish the DEED not the BREED
It's any mix. In reality the law is so broad it covers anything that looks like a pitbull. With the exception of English/french/american bulldog.It's really sad. There are plenty of dogs that are just as aggressive if not more that are free to move as they please. The justification behind it is retarded. People always tell me "Yeah he's a good dog, but what would you rather be bitten by a Lab or a pit?". I always tell them what would you rather be shot by a 9MM or 12 guage. Yeah one is gonna fuck you up more, but you don't really want to be hit be either. It's a weak argument to validate there fear. Yeah he goes right for him and the shards just sit in his belly. Cow hooves. Now I wonder if that's something he'll go for. That's weird....I can see yours plain as day. You might wanna pm a mod to see what the deal is.