Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
Oh my the horrors of what he did to perfectly good ice cream! I love, I L.O.V.E ice cream. Make that Chocolate Ice Cream.
I know right? After watching that I had to go make a real sunday, no brownies though so I couldn't make it like the one in the thumbnail :(


Well-Known Member
quote from reviews... hahahahha
heres another LOL!
I thought I had mastered responsible drinking, until that is, I woke up in
hospital 2 weeks after hosting my first (and last) Barrettine Methylated Spirit
shots party. I don't know if it was the number of forfeits that broke me or if
it was the sixteen pints of Barrettine shandy, but when I eventually collapsed
face-first onto a tealight it took three buckets of sand and the garden hose to
put me out. My firey breath actually melted my dentures. My mate Ronnie came off
even worse and is still in Urology Intensive Care. It's one thing to light your
farts after a couple of pints of Guinness, but those Barrettine Methylated
Spirits bottles should really carry a warning about that sort of thing. Poor
Ronnie, he was lit up like an oil rig gas flare and we still can't find his
trousers. As nights go though, it was certainly a memorable one - so much so
that the boys from Red Watch are planning on using the footage taken in the
house in one of their fire safety training films. Accordingly, I'm giving it 5
stars, but only on the understanding that nobody should try this at home

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
What cool parents. Worth the 3 minutes. CN, Friday is turtle day.
