Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

So does he now officially have a court alias/aka "buttfucker 3000" that will show up any time a cop does a search on his id? lol

Here's the story behind it. He'd forever be buttfucker 3000 if I knew him.

Has the kid hate always been a thing? Like when I was a kid in the 80s, did adults hate kids back then too but we never knew about it?

<shrug>I was fun as a kid in the 80's, occasionally difficult as a late 80's - early 90's teen but still generally fun and goofy, and have carried that all the way into my 40's, still fun and goofy .. and my wife will agree, occasionally difficult.

I think it's more an us vs. them kind of thing.

I personally love kids, have one of my own, she's awesome, most of her little friends are pretty fun, and I've met many other awesome kids. Met some real POS kids too, I generally found their parents were POS's too. Which explains why my friend's kids are awesome, I don't hang around POS's long enough to meet their offspring.

I have a few DINK (Double Income no kids) friends who seem to think I should be ravenously jealous of their 3-5 nights out a week lifestyles and the fact they can crash a Lexus and not stress about saving for a college fund. They don't seem to realize I was already tired of living the party life 5 or 6 years before I even had the kid. If they're enjoying that life of pickling their liver 2-4 times a week, after their extended money making hours, their Nephrologist will thank them in a few years.

I hosted a 3th grade gaming computer build party for my daughter's friends, two years later half the kids are gamers who are begging their parents for the latest Nvidia cards. I like feeding information to sponges, it's a lot better than dealing with long term employees who don't want to learn a new thing without a pay raise.
<shrug>I was fun as a kid in the 80's, occasionally difficult as a late 80's - early 90's teen but still generally fun and goofy, and have carried that all the way into my 40's, still fun and goofy .. and my wife will agree, occasionally difficult.

I think it's more an us vs. them kind of thing.

I personally love kids, have one of my own, she's awesome, most of her little friends are pretty fun, and I've met many other awesome kids. Met some real POS kids too, I generally found their parents were POS's too. Which explains why my friend's kids are awesome, I don't hang around POS's long enough to meet their offspring.

I have a few DINK (Double Income no kids) friends who seem to think I should be ravenously jealous of their 3-5 nights out a week lifestyles and the fact they can crash a Lexus and not stress about saving for a college fund. They don't seem to realize I was already tired of living the party life 5 or 6 years before I even had the kid. If they're enjoying that life of pickling their liver 2-4 times a week, after their extended money making hours, their Nephrologist will thank them in a few years.

I hosted a 3th grade gaming computer build party for my daughter's friends, two years later half the kids are gamers who are begging their parents for the latest Nvidia cards. I like feeding information to sponges, it's a lot better than dealing with long term employees who don't want to learn a new thing without a pay raise.

Thank you for your reply.

I guess the key take away is don't hang around parents that are POS? My wife and I stopped hanging out with some couples who were in their 30s and still partied like they were 18. Their kid would be left alone at their parties watching TV in the bedroom. We usually had to watch them or take care of them so they would not feel left out.

How are your kids doing today?