Pkush420 1st closet grow


Active Member
day 15: seeing some light yellow in my babies. but its really looks like a light green
also having some nut issues roots are somewhat light purple.

will take pics later today.


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found out the issue. looks like soil needs to be changed. so i will be moving from this roots mix
to foxfarm. then everything should go back to normal.


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changed soil to earthgro steer blend . the babies weren't even that root bound thank god!
will see some imporvment in couple of days. so i will take a pic on day 17.


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looks like the white rhino is dying slowly but still growing the leaves are just twirling inward.
the medo kush seems to have nut burn on the tips of the leaves. this should go back to normal after flushing out the nut with some water.
other than that the gdp's are looking great. will have pic's up tonight.


Active Member
day 18: the grand daddy purple is just having a blast. very healthy growing nicely.

medo kush : it wen't through some nitrgen issues. but its back on track

white rihnio: the big fan leaves were drying up. but still growing. but is back on track.


i've notice that since i changed the soil, i was over watering them. i use to water every 3days. but now i am running a good 4-5day cycle
its due to the new organic soil i am using loves to lock up the moister from the water.



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Hey guys back in place. i got some new pics! so from last time i posted. i had 4 babies turn out good out of 6. well now i am down to 3. but that is ok. they are doing great!
they are 2 weeks n 6 days into flowering and they are looking nice!

i used lst on two of the plants and let the other just grow out.
on the white rihnio i frimmed and got a total of 4 tops. but bad news was when i went to Hawaii for vacation i had my roommate look after them. and he didn't water them that much and i lost 2 tops :(

well here are some uploaded pics for you guys.

the 1st one: white rihno lst : i had issues with this plant since day 1. i had a feeling it was due to my soil i was using. but it is still staying alive!
2nd one: gpd normal: this plant became pretty tall but with only a few branches growing bud. but its super healthy and has a great smell!
3rd one: meadow kush lst : this plant is a monster! super healthy growing tons of buds

these plants are under a 400watt hps from veg to flower under 12/12 lighting.
more pics to come!



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these guys were from seed. they were in veg for about 2months. then flowered. i will take new pics tomorrow. big change happend. moved to using my nuit mixed with bloomblastic. and started seeing insane results in bud production.