Planning first indoor grow..

Hey guys, I've been pondering over loads of equipment and whatnot on online stores/ebay in anticipation of starting my first indoor grow. I've spent hours upon hours reading journals/info/etc on cannabis as a whole.

My current financial situation would lead me more toward something like this to start me off. I'll be getting a full-time job and renting my own place as soon as possible.

I'm wondering what kind of yield I could obtain from this. I've personally been dying to grow C99 as I love sativas and they are apparently high-yielding as well as short flowering, although full out high-yielding strains like Critical Mass have also been catching my eye.

In any case, what would some of you guys recommend in terms of plant training/strain choice/etc to obtain the maximum yield possible from this unit. My plan is to start with this, and use the proceeds to get a bigger 26-32 plant 3x600w HPS system..unless I can find more info which would make LEDs a better option.

Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated, as well as what upgrades I could initially make.
