Plant bent over and droopy after transplant


Well-Known Member
i moved my plant to a bigger pot..(outdoors) and today when i checked on it was droopy and weak.. it was completely bent over from the middle the leaves look fine the plant just looks like it cant hold it self up

what do i do

ill try to get picture


Active Member
i think you should help the stem with a stick, tie her to a stick to hold her wheight. It's just a guess. I did it this way in the early vegetation stage, and naw i removed it and all it's fine.
By the way. How old is your plant that you moved it outdoor?
how tall is it? can you come back with a picture?
May you have a sunny day.


Active Member
If there were major changes, you could have shocked the plant. Usually they will come out of it within a day or so


Well-Known Member
throw a cut 2 liter bottle over it and spray the inside of the bottle and bring it back inside for a few days. when transferring plants from indoor to outdoor you shoul put the plant in a shaded area first before putting the plant in direct sunlight the plant will go into shock


Well-Known Member
shes not lookin good...ur kinda stuck between a rock and a hard dont want to move her again, i would cover her with something for a day or a cardboard box? something man...