Plant dying, need help no idea what this is, video of damage


Well-Known Member
Ok so quick background, a week ago or so i posted pictures when they first began and we agreed it was burn from this calmag solution i made and when I fed the plant i got alot on the leaves, but now this is on leaves I know for a fact I didnt get any on, and also it spread and killed the leaf, this is occuring very rapidly and wonder if this could be from the calmag solution or if there is something else going on, Because I read where people foliate their leafs with calmag solution so im confused.

600W MH bulb
Following the fox farm soil feed schedule, using only big bloom and grow big full strength last feed was a week ago, I was told to step the strength down which I plan on doing but last feed was a week ago still waiting for soil to drive out
18/6 light schedule


Happy growing,


Well-Known Member
That video looks like it might be glitching up so reuploading, but you should be able to still get some good looks at the damage to the plant from the video


Well-Known Member
I am not a super experienced grower, but I would say that your plant look totally fine! the very bottom leaves are like this from soaking in the nutrients when you watered, just let them die. Just let the other go until they fall naturaly ... we can't see much on your video but the new growth looks fine. your good!


Active Member
dude thats nute burn on th leaves
Need to be a bit more careful when watering or trim your plant up.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate it bros. Yeah I had read people spray calmag on their leaves so I was very careless when I was feeding the plant. Thanks bros


Well-Known Member
I am now seeing the damage on new leaves where I know for a fact the solution didnt touch the leaves...


Well-Known Member
Coincidently I did just flush the shit out of them, but Its weird because I mix nutrients in a gallon bucket then water, and watered all 3 plants with the same nutrient solution. And its only this plant showing signs of burn and it was the biggest and strongest. But either way I totally flushed the soil so the problem should have gotten reset, itll take the girl couple weeks to heal then should be good


Active Member
Coincidently I did just flush the shit out of them, but Its weird because I mix nutrients in a gallon bucket then water, and watered all 3 plants with the same nutrient solution. And its only this plant showing signs of burn and it was the biggest and strongest. But either way I totally flushed the soil so the problem should have gotten reset, itll take the girl couple weeks to heal then should be good
are they all the same genetics?


Well-Known Member
Coincidently I did just flush the shit out of them, but Its weird because I mix nutrients in a gallon bucket then water, and watered all 3 plants with the same nutrient solution. And its only this plant showing signs of burn and it was the biggest and strongest. But either way I totally flushed the soil so the problem should have gotten reset, itll take the girl couple weeks to heal then should be good
If all 3 plants are in 5 gallon buckets then just one gallon of water/solution is not near enough to properly water them. Takes more like 1.5gal or so per 5 gallon pale to water properly and get a bt of runoff. Remember over watering is caused by frequency, not amount given when needed......and that same pack of seeds may contain 5 different phenos requiring 5 different feeding schedules...or find a median that works for all of them...