plant food??


Well-Known Member
i have miracle grow plant for its ratio is 25-8-16 is this ok to to feed my 3 week old plant? the soil had .09-.09-.09 ration in it. and how ofter should i feed it? like every 3 days


Active Member
just from my experience that shgould be ok just don't use full strength like 1/3 strength to begin with build it up slow and u should feed/water whenever the soil is dried out
but not dusty lol


Active Member
like he said coz if the soil is partially nuted its usually good for about 3 to 4 weeks. I usually wait till the plants tell me theyre hungry by the leaves turning yellow and then start feeding the low strength nutes. Also ive heard mixed reviews about miracle grow more bad than good. I use an organic nute called biobizz with excellent results and theres no messing about with ph when your using soil and a good organic nute. Others will argue different about the ph so thats only my experience and also coz Im a lazy stoner.


Well-Known Member
woa... if it's only 3wks old dont feed it anything, especially miracle grow, and also cuz u got nutes in the soil as well. Hold off on feeding it and get a good organic fert, like a 7-5-5, just something higher in N. Ur plants'll tell u when theyre hungry.


Well-Known Member
.... and u only feed like once a week or u'll burn the shit out of em, other than that Straight water when the pot feels empty when u pick it up.


Well-Known Member
thanx for all the input guys.this was the most confusing part not much info on adding nute available. i can get good nutes from a hydro store right?


Well-Known Member
i have miracle grow plant for its ratio is 25-8-16 is this ok to to feed my 3 week old plant? the soil had .09-.09-.09 ration in it. and how ofter should i feed it? like every 3 days
Fuck no... I'd start at 1/4 strength.... I feed mine once every 7 - 10 days... I start at 3-4 weeks in so you can start a taste...


Well-Known Member
Dude if ur shoppin for ur nutes at a hydro store, theyshould most definately have some good stuff. My advice would be to just go with somethin organic, it's much harder to burn ur plants with. And while ur there, get a ph kit with the ph up and ph down if u don't already got it cuz that organic shits acidic.


Well-Known Member
I've never used the bakin soda, just the 'up' and 'down' shiz so idk abot that. Good thinkin plannin ahead though, don't wanna find out after its too late u done fucked up ya know.


Well-Known Member
If your new to growing stop before you use any fertilizers,forget 90% of the shit you read on this site,the biggest problem new growers have is doing too much & thinking more is better when in fact less is better,keep it as simple as possible & you'll have an easy time growing,start adding shit like fertilizers & now things start to get complicated & you run the risk of fucking the entire grow up from too much love,everybody wants to do the most they can to increase harvest weights,its human nature but not the right thing for newb's to do.

Case in point,your only 3 weeks into the grow & your allready wanting to add fertilizer,unless the soil your using is complete garbage & depleted of all nutrients it should easily carry your plants into the 2 month mark without adding a single thing,wait until you see a slight yellowing of the leaves & that will tell you it's time to add Nitrogen,when looking at fertilizers the NPK rating will tell you how much of what nutrient is in the mixture,for nitrogen content you want a fertilizer with a high N in the NPK rating,use a fert at that point with a rating of 30-10-10 at 1/4 strenght once a week up until budding cycle,no need for ultra expensive hydro nute's or majic sauces that promise all kinds of increased shit,most of those promises are pure bullshit,miracle grow/peters brand/jacks brand ect are very good fertilizers but they are very strong & need to be used at 1/4 strength.

It's too early to use any fertilizer on your plants,do as little as possible your 1st grow,then in your 2nd grow take what you've learned from a completed grow & take it to the next level with each successfull grow,dont rush shit.


Well-Known Member
im not wanting to add fertilizer just reading the directions on the soil bag. it says after 2-3 week of planting to start usin ferts. its got .09-.09-.09 npk,will that last 2 months?. i was just wondering. and what ur saying is to try not to use the ferts on the first grow let it run its course and use the things that go wrong as pointer tips for the next grow correct?


Well-Known Member
im not wanting to add fertilizer just reading the directions on the soil bag. it says after 2-3 week of planting to start usin ferts. its got .09-.09-.09 npk,will that last 2 months?. i was just wondering. and what ur saying is to try not to use the ferts on the first grow let it run its course and use the things that go wrong as pointer tips for the next grow correct?
What i was saying is this,directions on the bag are meaningless ,first you should learn what plants need & the signs telling you what they need,to blindly add fertilizer without knowing why your adding it & what the direct effect on the plant will be is very dangerous,it's much easier to correct a lack of nutrients within the soil by adding ferts to the plant as they begin to show signs of needing supplimental nutes than it is to correct for over fertilization which is fatal to most new growers.

Look at what the directions on the bag are telling you to see how worthless this type info really is,directions state to add ferts after 2 to 3 weeks after planting,how on earth do they even know what your growing ?,each plant needs different nutrients,its a blind statement designed to sell product nothing more.

On your first grow be patient,look for the signs from the plant telling you what they need,there is no need to add nitrogen before the plant needs it & can creat unbalanced soil which will slow or stop plant growth,a plant that needs nitrogen will start to show a yellowing in the leaves,it is at this point you should slowly start to add 1/4 strength fertilizer,adding it before the plant has a need will increase the risk of nutrient build up in the soil.

The less you do & the less you add to the soil on your first grow the better your chances are of harvesting good buds,the more you do & the more you add to the soil on your first grow your chances increase of a severe case of nutrient burn & a grow that will never yeild fruit.