Plant got to high to hps! help


Well-Known Member
I have a 1000w hps and I dont no what to do sugar leaves are clawing down just the leaves near buds not fan ones. I think I might of burned the buds because yellow at the tops.. will it come back I raised the light up



Well-Known Member
the only thing i can think of, get an inline fan and tent and blast it with cool air and snap the stalk so it stands with a slant. it will grow a growth to protect it. its the only thing i can think of.


the only thing i can think of, get an inline fan and tent and blast it with cool air and snap the stalk so it stands with a slant. it will grow a growth to protect it. its the only thing i can think of.
I agree, just kink the main stem over and a knuckle will form as it heals.


Well-Known Member
I just raised lights all the way and sprayed with phd water hope it works. Scared to bend it lol because its all the tops on the plant


Well-Known Member
Hope the lights werent on when you sprayed, you might just make the prob worse. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yea i did it one hour b4 the light shuts off i figured it wouldnt do anything but Idk what was it some leaves are already lookin better!