Plant looks... droopy?!? PIX


Active Member
So last time i watered the plants were Friday.. i am giving them neut and all got lights on 24hrs (14 100 watt cfls half cool half warm).. um mm only thing i can think of is maybe it just wants water?? but ventilation isn't too good. its in my closet with door shut, door gets open everyday to check on em and to let in fresh air! what should i do?

It really only the little one i am worried about.. but if you guys have any suggestions for me on either of the plants that would help me out. thanks.

oh yeah.. my bigger plant i was wondering if ya think it would be okay to clone once just to see the sex? i have a 400 hps in my separate flowering room :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
yea under watered , fi the light on 24 hours they need toppin up every day , i have to water mine eveyr day jus a lil bit


Active Member
whew! so in the time it took me to post that my plants were in the room doing work! ha. All i did was water them and i come back in and this is what they look like..


..BUT if anyone still has any hints for me that will help out my grow that would be cool. I have read everything and so far i think i am doing pretty good.



Well-Known Member
i had mine closet bound for like a month and it looked like that alot...i figured out , that the air, and that i wasn't watering it enough (eventho it was like every other day) was the problem, i have since taken out of the closet and made a grow box with plenty of air getting in and it has grown a shit i changed all the lights to daylight bulbs..