Plant problem after first flush, please help!


Well-Known Member
I just did my first system flush on the aero grow I'm doing and the plants do not seem to like the change. They're about 2 weeks old. I tried to keep the pH and nutes concentration of new water in the same neighborhood as the old water I replace to not shock the plants too much. The one big change, was that the water I added was pretty cold (around 18C) and the water I changed out was running at about 27C!

Now the plants are starting to droop about an hour after the flush. I'll put up some pics in a few.

Anyone with any input? Could temp difference be the issue here?


Well-Known Member
for sure temp is probly the issue if they are only two weeks old then their roots are very sensative to things like that wait till the water temp goes back up and then see what they do :D


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for the tip! You think I should just add a couple gallons of warmer water to raise the res water temp up? Can this kill my plants if I let it heat up slowly over time?


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and added 2 gallons of warmer water to the res and after about half an hour, the plants perked right up again! Looking healthy and happy :D


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! keeping a detailed journal of this grow. Hope at least 3 are ladies with some fat, sticky, stinky buds!!!


Well-Known Member
to be honest your too worried they look fine they are not overly droopy yea the water could have done it or it coulda just been the fact that you added new water/nutes to the res ur fine!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, guess it's easy to become a plant hypochondriac on your first grow.

Think I'll just let them do their growing thing and stay out of their way. Thanks for the help!