plant problem,HELP!!!

sorry, I miss read your messege, it could be to high in nitro, im not 100% and it might be worth search it on google... but thats what it appears to me, I hope this helps


Joe Hemp

The plant in pic #6 is showing signs of a possible zinc deficiency. The rest seem to show early nutrient burn. When in doubt, flush with nutrient-free water. I would probably suggest not using that nutrient mixture again or at least diluting it a bit more and don't over water them. Try a flush and let us know what happens.


Alright I actually did a flush before original posting this. I do not think I ran enough water through them to flush after doing a search on how to how much water should I flush with? Would it be okay to do it again today even though I done it yesterday? Picture 2 was what I am mainly wondering about and how soon do you see improvements after flushing? They normally look droopy a few hours before lights go off but during morning and day they are not droopy can you tell me why that is? Over water??? how to correct zinc def???


The plant in pic #6 is showing signs of a possible zinc deficiency. The rest seem to show early nutrient burn. When in doubt, flush with nutrient-free water. I would probably suggest not using that nutrient mixture again or at least diluting it a bit more and don't over water them. Try a flush and let us know what happens.


hi there growers i have a slight problem my plants are 1 week into veg and the leaves are slightly startin to curl up and i dont know whats wrong can anyone help? im runnin a 400 watt hps with a fan and a rhino extractor in a 1mx1mx1mx2m grow tent some 1 plz help


Active Member
hi there growers i have a slight problem my plants are 1 week into veg and the leaves are slightly startin to curl up and i dont know whats wrong can anyone help? im runnin a 400 watt hps with a fan and a rhino extractor in a 1mx1mx1mx2m grow tent some 1 plz help
Create your own thread dude, don't go thread-jacking someone else's! :peace: