plant problems 3-4 weeks into flower!


Well-Known Member
hey guys, help me out here i'm having trouble diagnosing some of this.

i have 5 flowering plants right now, and 3 of em aren't looking great. well they're looking good but i don't know.

the smallest of the three that are having a few problems has some major claw going on. i know pH has been an issue cause i didn't have those papers for a week or so, and it hasn't handled that well.

they're all yellowing just a lil bit, but my favorite one, my og diesel is doing it a lot faster than the others! there are some pics of the yellowing leaves.

that's what i really don't get, it also looks like drooping needing water but there it's still damp an inch or more below the top...soo. hmm help!! thanks!

...fuck it pics aren't uploading i'll try again when i get home


Well-Known Member
The age of the plants would be helpful.
Strains start dropping/turning yellow at varying phases of 12/12. Your plants look real good to me. I've a strain that consistently yellows and drops starting in week two of 12/12, while my other two stains remain lush green at 6-7 weeks.
I've tried lots of things to stop this behavior, but it's the strain.


Well-Known Member
That may just be the buds absorbing the leaf nutrients, it's a natural part of the 'second half' of flowering.


Well-Known Member
huh ya i'd like to keep it green for as long as possible...just seems like my diesel gets yellow real early.

the thing tho is that the bottom leaves are lookin all droopy and they shouldn't be! like i said in my first post 3-4 weeks of floweer i started at around the beginning of the month....alllright well ...