Plant rotator?


Active Member
Anyone know of any device that will automatically rotate your plants? I looked around online a bit, and only found one that works with hanging plants (though it IS solar powered, pretty cool). I was thinking more along the lines of a large 100watt cfl directly over, with a 4ft t5ho fixture on the side wall. If I had some sort of modified lazy-susan that would automatically turn my plant, it would get the super-close direct light that it needed on the top, but also some rotisserie action on those 200 watts of t5.

Does anyone sell a planter rotator?


Well-Known Member
"some rotisserie action.." lol. Funniest shit I've read in a while. I really hope you find one of these, because I'd love to see it in action. Find one, buy it, and post some snaps.


Active Member
I really don't get it Jim. It seems like a fairly useful thing, no? Not just for us guys who pretend to grow cannibis, but for people who grow other plants as well. I know the old phototron had flouros on the sides of the plant, and it grew decent bud. I realize that after a certain time, I wouldn't be able to use it without trimming the plant back, but still, through seedling stage and on into the early stages of budding, for a small plant, it would be ideal. I can't believe no one else has brought this up! Ah fuck it dude, let's go bowlin.....


Well-Known Member
Good idea beaukneaus, so i did some searching an found this video.
DIY Motorized Turntable

After watchin that an knowing what he put together would not have enough traction nor torque to turn a potted plant near the end of harvest let alone having to replace 9volt batteries constantly, so I did a bit more searchin a found this site.
The Lazy Susan Store good site till i noticed the money they want. But the good thing is when ya click on Oak Floor model under the Motorized Susans section near the bottom of page they basically show how it is made.... there ya go buddy, now lets see you grow with it! :weed::bigjoint:

btw one would not necessarily need to follow the way they have it set up to turn, you could put a hobby gear or rubberized wheel instead of the peg-style teeth. Also the state the motor company so there is probably alternatives for motor choice.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with the previous posts. The Lazy Susan Store has what you're looking for, but at offensive prices. You should definitely try to build one yourself, just make sure it doesn't end up costing you too much money.

It does seem like a useful device, and now that you mention it I'm a little surprised no one has been plugging something like this on these forums already. Keep us posted.


New Member
oh man... I hope I don't get flamed for resurrecting such an old thread...

if the combined weight of the crop is more than the fluorescents, I'd consider rotating them instead..
This would be great with screen of green growers as it'll be managed more and less likely to snack the side lights during rotation... I love this idea