Plant size


I had a question about plant size.

During the flowering stage, how much bigger will my plant get? I've seen people do different methods. vegetating the plant before you flower it, verses, start the flowering cycle with a fresh rooted clone.

I read somewhere, that if you started a newly rooted clone and not vegetate it, you can expect your plant to get about 3-4 feet tall. true/false?

If you decided to veg a plant until it was around 2 feet tall, can you expect that plant to still gain another 3-4 feet during the flowering process?

I plan to flower my plants in a grow tent, and once you get the light in there, and trying to maintain a distance from it, you're kinda limited on height.

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
depends... some indicas hardly stretch at all... most will get about double size during stretch.. however some sativas will get 3-4 times there size during the stretch
So, if i'm limited on height, should i stick to indicas? that or not veg them at all? and i though stretching was because of your light. having it too far away. i guess i need to look that up again.

can someone tell me how big their plants get? do you veg them at all? do you start from a baby clone? how big do your plants get? what type are they?


Active Member
If you are limited in height check out LST Low Stress Training or SCROG SCreen Of Green growing.
I use LST as I am limited in height
You can do some amazing things with a little LST in a small space.

Most my plants will strech between 200-250% once in flower so a 1' plant will finish at around 3'.
Best rule of thumb is to flower at roughly half or a third the size you want it to finish at.

Ah, i see. good advice. Ya i was thinking about doing a scrog if i needed to. I'm planning on doing a DWC in 5 gal buckets. And with trying to maintain minimum distance from the light, my plants can't max out more then around 4 feet. so i think if i don't let my plants veg for too long, i should be fine. if not, scrog it is.

Tkx dude


Active Member
Try LST first IMO its a bit easier and you can really train them into nice little big short bushes, with tons of bud sites and it takes far less time then SCROG.
SCROG is great to but takes more veg time to fill the screen.
Another bit of advice I can give is go super soil Very very simple all you do is add water!
No nutes to measure no water level to check and recheck everything the plant needs is in the soil.
I have used it for years and wont ever look back.
I went DWC for a bit and didn't see any benefit over SS and the DWC ate up soooooo much more of my time and money.
Its great for beginners and equally as great for pro's.
It produces amazing yields and some of the best tasting smoke ive had.
And its organic.
Recipe and info found here---->