plant uprooted its self! :s


Well-Known Member
hey, one of my ata tundra plants yesterday when i went to inspect them was uprooted from the pot!

the whole plant had come up from the soil so i put it back in with soil supporting the plant but the plant had started to grow towards the light and now its not straight.

any1 know how this happened? i planted them about half an inch to an inch down in the soil.

any advice on how to help this plant and how to prevent it in the future?




Well-Known Member
Either your plant just doesn't like you and is running away from home or someone else is to blame.


Well-Known Member
no, it was that plant in the picture. its grown weird.

i put the plant back in the pot and under the soil as soon as i seen the problem.


Well-Known Member
In 15 days it's only that big? I can get them to be bigger that that in 10 days.
why do ppl insist on saying stuff like this. who cares. u could be growing a different strain. u could be using HPS whilst im using CFL. also i put them straight into flower and no veg for personal reasons.

so i dont really care if your plants are bigger.

wow what what a top grower you must be.
whats whats the point of your post. the guys asking for help :?
thanks m8. i dunno about mice. i think it might of even been my fan. it might of shaken the plant that much that it came loose from the soil. still not 100% on this though. my fan was only on 1st setting.


Well-Known Member
go easy on the watering for a couple days and let the soil dry out. when the plant starts to wilt a little bit give it water to perk it back up then a couple days later dry it out again. this will cause the plant to expand its roots to search for water.
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Well-Known Member
I knew by looking at the goofy bastard you flowered it already...anyway...plant your seeds a bit deeper...or transplant it and stick it deeper in the almost up to the first set of leaves. :blsmoke:I suspect it just fell over cause it wasnt rooted well to begin with


Well-Known Member
go easy on the watering for a couple days and let the soil dry out. when the plant starts to wilt a little bit give it water to perk it back up then a couple days later dry it out again. this will cause the plant to expand its roots to search for water.
Thanks for the advise. ill do that. +rep for u