planting companion plants around pot to repel bugs/pests...

im planting 10 clones outdoors quite soon. i won't be able to protect them from everything but i will do my best. im going to plant some companion plants around them to repel off the pests.

i plan to plant alyssum, and chamomile around the feet of the plants since they don't root very far, and chamomile induces oil production, well so i've heard anyways.. then i'll plant marigolds around the boreder of the bed.

then i want to plant borage, tansy, and garlic like a foot or 2 away from them so they don't over compete with my weed.

are these good ideas? will this work? any thing else i should know?

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i have had good luck with onions and garlic planted around the garden, pretty much anything with a funky smell works to repel bugs, catnip seems to work also as do chili plants and mustard

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
garlic si so easy to grow. I am compamion platnng it everywhere else but pot first to see if my 7 gallons can take a few bulbs. I did not grow they grew roots, lol. I just thought they grew above with the green shoots. I dug one up and a fairly ok root system. smell too , :)


Active Member
Try plants that are grown as companions to hops, as they are part of the same family, and are very similar in flowering. Marigolds, Anise, Cilantro, Yarrow.