Plants falling over

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I pinched and twisted the shit out of the stems this morning, watered, and against most peoples advice gave them very light nutes. Ive been keeping the fan on too. Im going to install a heater on a thermostat and an extra exaughst fan (i have a HUGE like foot and half duct fan) on a thermostat as well. Im going to set my big fan to come on at 85, and my heater to come on at 75. Unfortunately, if i close the gap any more than that im going to spike the electric bill, and being as my father has been kind enough to let me use his place, I really cant do that without feeling like a total ass. And to be honest neither of us can afford to pay a hugely higher electric bill at the moment. (my father is an electrician, and we read the stats on everything in the room and have a pretty good idea what the jump in our bill will be, and we can handle it, but we cant add anything major to it (such as a full time heater))

Anyways, long story short, pinched the shit out of em, threw the fan on em, nuted em, they grew half an inch today and are standing straight up and happy again...
Thank you guys for all of your help :D

I +Repd everyone who gave suggestions (who i was allowed to rep)
You see, listen to the suggested options and find your own way. I think you made some good decisions. Especially the fan. You will be surprised what a difference it will make. I don't think the temps are your problem either although the 10 degree swing is almost optimal now. Once they get a couple more weeks under their belt all will be well. Good luck!


Active Member
Well fudge...
I have another problem, but rather than fill the forum with threads about all my problems (even tho im sure you guys all want to hear about EVERYTHING, since im so interesting) ill just add it here. The plants bounced back, they where fucking pretty. Today I had to transplant them from the red party cups to 3 gallon smart pots. Everything was goin well for the first 3 out of 4 plants, but on the 4th plant, disaster struck! I cut the cups down the middle and plopped the cup shaped peice of dirt into my hand, that i then placed in a hole i dug in the soil of the 3 gallon pot. On the last cup, the bottom inch of soil seperated and fell out of my hand. I caught it VERY quickly, it probably didnt seperate more than an inch before i caught it with my other hand... but it seperated none the less.

My problem? My tap roots where 3 inches longer than the cups (they had grown straight down and spun in circles on the bottom) and Im afraid that when the bottom bit of dirt seperated, I tore off the bottom of my tap root. I dont know for sure tho, because I didnt get a good look at anything, I just caught the falling dirt (didnt so much fall as slowly seperate) and immediately reattached it to the clump.

So, that was the Major event...
The problem?

That plant now has VERY saggy leaves. All my other plants are lookin pretty still, lovin the new pots, even perked up after transplant. But this one, it perked down, the leaves are still rigid (not cloth like) but they just arnt standing up like they where this morning, they seem... depressed.

Is this serious? or is it just going through a rough brake up or something? do i have reason to be concerned?


Active Member
The temps have been between 85 and 75 all day, after transplanting I watered with nutes, and then I watered well with a litre of water poured right around the stalk.
Before transplant it was fine, I transplanted in the room during the day cycle (obviously) Idk what i could have done wrong other than that damn tap root :/

I also have a moisture indicator in the dirt and its showing optimal.


Active Member
I mean, SOMETHING must have caused it to do this in the first place, I need/want to know what that is so i can fix/prevent it. Is it indeed that I fucked up the roots?


Active Member
Now another of my plants is showing signs, actually its even WORSE, and i KNOW that one wasnt damaged in the transplant.
PLEASE, someone help me out, this cant be that uncommon. Im going to lose my crop and I really NEED this crop.
Please someone help me out, ive nothing left but to beg for ur help...

Learning all the time

Active Member
a little b vitamin will always help when transplanting. it seems to be just a normal transplant shock. did you change mediums? that will definitely make the plant sad for a day or two till it gets used to it. Any time you have damage to the root system while transplanting you want to inspect the damage carefully and be sure you're not just sticking a big dead root mass back into your pot. that's a sure way to end up with some rotting problems. a litre of water on those is pretty excessive also. I am watering half that and my 1 gal bags have roots to the edges after 6 days veg. not bragging. what you should do is raise these young seedlings enuf to get some clones off of them. then get a few more successfully rooted clones together and work on those, keeping the others alive for back-up. and if you decide you're never really going to keep them around, use some cropping techniques like fim'ing or topping to keep it short and bushy so you can flower it later and not ruin your canopy height. good luck.