Plants okay?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Your plants look great, even the transplanted one. It's not uncommon that a plant has a bit of shock when being transplanted. They may droop a little. I use some B1 to help counteract this as I water them in. It just helps them recover a little quicker but your plant looks perfectly fine to me. Now I'm a newbie in the middle of only my second grow. So I'm sure growers with a lot more experience than I have will be along to really help you.

Best of luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
also i am wondering one of my plants in the picture far back one has a brown spot on it. the right side leaf you can see if u look close, any idea of what it is?


Well-Known Member
Thanks i cant wait for them to get nice and bushy, how are yours? youre growing the same strain right? any pics?


Active Member
I don't have a camera but you could exchange yours for mine right down to the red cups lol. I have them outside but I still bring them in at night. I could leave them out but i am just a protective father. hopping to clone later and put some out into the wild


Well-Known Member
Yeah i take them out in the morning around 9 then keep them out until around 8 then bring then in and put them under lights. Thats my plan because nirvana has some good genetics. You planning on giving nutes or just let them be? I havent even used phed water


Active Member
my plan is to grow them, top them clone the tops, keep one or two for the yard then the rest are going to be left on there own in some grow spots that I scoped out earlier


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have 4 that are going to be scattered through my yard. Not a bad idea to plant some in a remote location, anyways best of luck to you. Keep me updated


Yeah i take them out in the morning around 9 then keep them out until around 8 then bring then in and put them under lights. Thats my plan because nirvana has some good genetics. You planning on giving nutes or just let them be? I havent even used phed water
When they are hella small, I believe that they are establishing their roots in the medium and/or new transplanted home. I recommend the use of pH water or distilled water when they start taking off vertically, but nutes should be minimal until they get up near 5 inches or so and then when they grow a bit more past the 5 to 6 inch mark, then look into increasing the nute solution percentage. I am in my first solo grow, so I'm glad RIU community is here. Good luck!


Active Member
I think they need way more sun buddy. how many hours of direct are they getting? I would wait to top when they have 5 internodes, then cut it back to the third.


Well-Known Member
why do you say they need more sun? I have been kind of hiding them due to visitors at my house but i plan on putting them back in direct soon