Plants reverting back to veg??

so it looks like my flowering babies have reverted bak to veg. i think bcuz there outside and the sun is not setting until almost 9pm, and rising at about 5:30am. How bad will the yield and potency be off, i've never had this problem b4. Any input pleasDSC03730.jpgDSC03712.jpgDSC03724.jpgDSC03711.jpgDSC03729.jpgDSC03727.jpgDSC03726.jpgDSC03728.jpgDSC03717.jpgDSC03721.jpgDSC03723.jpg


I had one that was given to me from outside it was only 4" tall. I put it with my big plants in the flowering room. It had already flowered at this height outside, I let it stay in the room it grew to about 10" tall then went back to flowering. I still to this day don't know why this happened. I think your just going to have a little luck and prayer. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Either flower it and sort it so it only gets 12/12 or re-veg it till it looks ready to flower again. To me re-veg is a pain in the ass, plant grows weak and weird for a while till it gets back to normal. Do not flower after re-veg till normal growth appears again. These would be your main considerations i suppose. There will be little yeild if it re-veg's. Good luck.
Either flower it and sort it so it only gets 12/12 or re-veg it till it looks ready to flower again. To me re-veg is a pain in the ass, plant grows weak and weird for a while till it gets back to normal. Do not flower after re-veg till normal growth appears again. These would be your main considerations i suppose. There will be little yeild if it re-veg's. Good luck.
Thanx alot for responding, everyone. Yes I have them going 12/12, the pics dnt do the plant as a whole any justice. The nugs are great, the kush smells so kushy, the purple so sweet, hairs are ripening, trichs are not what I want them to be, but besides this bull$#!* everything is better than my last grow at the moment. KG, couple questions, you say no flower until normal growth reappears. I hoped to harvest July. Is this possible or is this a lost cause? Is an early harvest more likely?
How long is " a while" until normalcy (give or take)?
Would it be best to just toss them in my room until finished? (1K w HPS)


Well-Known Member
its almost past the longest day of the year. just leave them be and you will have a greater yield than indoor lights

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Either flower it and sort it so it only gets 12/12 or re-veg it till it looks ready to flower again. To me re-veg is a pain in the ass, plant grows weak and weird for a while till it gets back to normal. Do not flower after re-veg till normal growth appears again. These would be your main considerations i suppose. There will be little yeild if it re-veg's. Good luck.
Really? I just revegged a plant I harvested back in March, and she's two weeks into flowering. Let me tell ya, she grew larger this time, her leaves are wider and longer than they were before. I thought she was a sativa, but she's looking like an Indica now lol. Seriously though, I'm having good luck with re-vegging, she is now two weeks into flower, and starting to look really good ;)
ok so besides the revert, I've also come across a new problem....F**kn Caterpillars!!!! damn basterds, so far I've only found 2 (sneaky bitches), but countless numbers of what I believe to be eggs (little yellow eggs). Only my GDP plant seems to be getting the brunt of everything and I've only found cats. on it, but both plants leaves are being demolished, at a very rapid pace. The only thing I can do right now is pick them off by hand bcuz im so far into nug.
Would using pyrethrum spray be beneficial at this point or becuz im so far along in nug is it better to just leave them be and keep doing what I've been doing? :blsmoke: