plants to plant AROUND your marijuana

so, im growing about 10 plants outdoors this year, its way up in the hills and its a hike to get there but i dont really mind but i wont be able to check on them as often as i would like. I want to make SURE that bugs and pests leave my crop a lone. if i planted marigolds around them, would they keep the bugs away? what other plants are usefull?

any other tips on keeping pests away the natural way, share them!!


Well-Known Member
I've had some pretty good results growing garlic around rose bushes.

Just take an ordinary head of garlic, break off and plant individual cloves.


Well-Known Member
I dunno about peppers, but the garlic protected the roses from aphids for me. Aphids love roses. I can't imagine growing 'em organic (no pesticides) without garlic.

Another good one is sweet alyssum. It's a low growing ground covering white flower, gives a great home for spiders and predator bugs... good bugs.
hmm... i wonder, would it affect the growth of my pot plants at all if planted the marigolds, allyssum and some garlic at the border of the bed like 6 inches from the plants?


Well-Known Member
Alyssum has shallow roots, yet grows nice and dense over the soil. It makes great ground cover in the garden because it won't compete for root space. I've never noticed garlic to hamper growth with taller plants. It worked well for my rose bushes.

Mint has choked off lots of my other plants though. It's very invasive. But I imagine MJ would win out against mint, if started indoors.

Edit: I would throw down the alyssum seeds over any exposed soil, especially directly around the MJ plant.


New Member
Im Telling You, Tansy Is The Best Reppelentd Around. They Can Get Rather Large So If You Dont Want A Deep Rooter Get Dwarf Tansies.