Plants with issues.


Active Member
I have multiple plants with problems right now.

all growing in an ebb/flow system on solid nutrients. (miracle grow)

I have a white widow with yellow and dry wilting tips; (Plant 3)
another that has some yellowing around the outer edges of older leaves. (Plant 2)
and a third that has spotted areas on bad leaves. (plant 1)

Sorry for the mis-arrangement.

Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 3

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Well-Known Member
Your Pic's Are Way To Big, We Get The Pic....!!! Lol Db.

Bro Its Your Nutes,,,, How Often Is The Res Cleaned Fill In All The Blanks, From Light Size To Room Temps... To Start I Want To Say P-k Burn, Or Diff. They Can Both Look The Same,.. So Give Us A Npk On The Mg, Light Size And Distance Away, There Age To Date. When Watered How Much Is The Ppm, Water Temp...etc.