PLC Automated Super Lemon Haze, White Russian, Utopia Haze


Well-Known Member
MikroGro V1.0

The Line-Up:
- 5 Super Lemon Haze (GreenHouse Seeds, 2008 Cannabis Cup Winner)
- 5 White Russian (Serious Seeds, 1997 Cannabis Cup Winner)
- 1 Utopia Haze (Barney's, 2nd place 2008 Cannabis Cup)

The Nutes:
Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A B for veg, And AN Connisseur with SweetLeaf for flowerin.

The Setup:
- Ebb n Flow Bucket System based off of a 2 liter pop bottle flood n drain system i saw in a high times grow book years ago. I actually stole it from my Dad. The buckets are plumbed together and a T is grommeted into the bottom of the buckets. A pump from a reservoir below floods the buckets with nutrient solution. 1 overflow pipe is set to the desired water level for all the buckets. The pump can run continuously and all buckets will remain flooded up to the level of the system overflow. When the pump turns off the buckets drain from the fill hose, back to the res. Each plant is then assigned its own bucket which can be inserted into any 1 of the 9 spots in my veg room, or 16 in flower room. This means at any time i can rotate, move, or transfer from one room to the other with no problem. Basically each bucket has its own little reservoir.
- Allen Bradley SLC 5/04 PLC
- Dell Dimension 4500
- iphone (thats right i can see n control the rooms throught the iphone anywhere in the world)
(The Brain, Where the majic happens! Controls every aspect of the grow rooms from lights to pumps fans co2 humidity ... everything!)

Clone/Seedling Room
- 1 T5 2 Foot Bulb
- Circulation Fan
- Propagation Mat

Veg Room
- 3' 4" x 3' 4" Grow Tent
- 1 Eye Hortilux 400W Metal Ace Conversion Bulb
- Cool Tube
- AXC in-line centrifugal fan CFM 212
- Oscillating circulation Fan
- Humidty / Temperature Transmitter
- Dehumidifier
- Air Conditioner
- CO2 injection via regulator and solenoid valve
- CO2 ppm transmitter
- 9 bucket ebb n flow system
- Ph Transmitter
- TDS Meter
- air pump and stone for reservoir

Flower Room
- 4' 8" x 4' 8" Grow Tent
- 1 Eye Hortilux HPS 600W
- Cool Tube
- Sunleaves WindTunnel (SW604) 200 CFM
- Oscillating circulation Fan
- Humidty / Temperature Transmitter
- Dehumidifier
- Air Conditioner
- CO2 injection via regulator and solenoid valve
- CO2 ppm transmitter
- 16 bucket ebb n flow system
- Ph Transmitter
- TDS Meter
- air pump and stone for reservoir


Well-Known Member
Well seems that were having some issues, the three smallest plants are dying, maybe they just werent strong enough to make it. I'm not quite sure what the problem was. All other girls seem to be doing well. I am now waiting for the third or fourth set of true leaves so i can start feeding the advanced nutes. Humidity in the room is kinda high hangin round 60-70 percent, which is very high, i am currently using a dehumidifier. I think i will move the res outside the tent to help lower humidity, or i will divide the room into upper n lower sections sealed off from one another


Well-Known Member
Humidity in the room has came into normal conditions, 50-60 %, which is good right now for rooting seedliings. Temp is set at 79. CO2 at around 1000ppm. Still feeding just water, Slh #2 And WR #3 are doing best, 3 sets of leaves. Lost more of the small plants. Still holdin on are SLH #'s 2,5, WR #'s 1,2,3, UH #2. Cant pinpoint why they died unless they were just weak. Other plants under same conditions are doing well.

Ordered more of the line of advanced nutes. Figured might as well do it right.

Added Snow white mother plant and grand daddy purp mother plant. Getting ready to attempt to take my first clones from these new mothers.

Everything seems to be going good at this point!!!


Well-Known Member
Well seem to find out that my ppm was way to high. According to roy from advanced nutes. since my res doesn't require any topping off i can mix at 1/6 of the strength for the week. Still tryin to wrap my head around that. Although plants do seem to be responding well to the lower nute level. I cut four clones today offf the momma plants to pratice some cloning. Were using the juicy roots cloning gel and rockwool cubes.

Pics of the girls at 42 days from seed/ 4 weeks from rooted clone and 2nd week of veg.



Well-Known Member
Today I will apply a foliar feeding of JumpStart and B-52 as soon as lights go out. Foliar feeding should always be applied with lights out so u dont nute burn spots on the leaves. Once every two weeks. I have been changin my res weekly, and adjusting the ph down to 5.6 once it rises to 7.5. Surprisingly this is a recommendation from advanced nutrients. Room temps are staying right around the optimal 79 degrees for right now. Once co2 is added during flowering temp will be raised. Humdity is staying around 45% which is fine 45 - 55% optimal.Nute PPM 200. CO2 800ppm roy from advanced nutrients says to apply co2 at same level as nutrients. and that supplemental co2 is a waste during veg stage. I believe the mother plants are not receiving enough nutes in the veg room with the young plants. They will get their own room soon. Plants are being flooded for 10 minutes every 2 hours. Lights are roughly 10 inches from the top plants to provide good light distribution. I will start setting up the flowering room this week. Thats where the majic happens.

So we have added some more nutes to the set-up

Advanced Nutes:
Carbo Load
Big Bud
Bud Blood

This shit is gettin serious now. If nothing else it will be a good test of advanced nutes.


Well-Known Member
how much did it cost for all the setup looks brilliant wish you sucess and i'l be following this.:joint:..



Well-Known Member
how much did it cost for all the setup looks brilliant wish you sucess and i'l be following this.:joint:..

hey spliff thnx for the support, the setup cost were not all that high. but it definitely hasnt been cheap. I am going to sit down some day and try to get an idea of my costs. The truth is that I cant put a price on the joy this little green plant brings to my life. It is priceless to me.


Well-Known Member
Last night applied a foliar feeding of jumpstart at 30ml/l and some b-52 at 2 ml/l. Applied at lights off. Seemed to cause some perkiness to show in the snow white mother plant i was given. The grand daddy purp mother is continuing to show a serious deficiency that i cannot diagnose. She was sick when i got her and never recovered. I'm thinkin about flowering soon based on some advice from a good source who has grown these strains previously. I know the right thing to do is to keep my strongest plants as mothers and take clones/ veg/ then flower but its gettin tough to resist the temptation of flowering these beautiful bushy girls. What to do what to do? tO FLOWER OR NOT TO FLOWER THAT IS THE QUESTION?

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
hey spliff thnx for the support, the setup cost were not all that high. but it definitely hasnt been cheap. I am going to sit down some day and try to get an idea of my costs. The truth is that I cant put a price on the joy this little green plant brings to my life. It is priceless to me.

Thats whats up Sure is priceless.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a robot to foliar feed for you ?

Can't wait for more pictures of that.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a robot to foliar feed for you ?

hmm, a robot sounds like a great idea earl, one day maybe a robot, but for now a lil manual labor here n there wont kill me.

Bucket welcome to my grow!! The phone thing is ingenious. The iphone has an app called jaadu connect that is a sort of remote desktop. My op is controlled by the PLC (programmable logic controller), this controller/computer is networked to a pc which is used for programming and viewing data related to the grow. Also the web cam also runs through this pc. Jaadu connect lets me pull up my pc that is in the growroom remotely from anywhere in the world. I can see and control from anywhere. I dont know about anyone else but I can never spend too much time on my op. It's like an addiction. Now I always got my growroom in my back pocket.


Well-Known Member
Holy Snakies batman we had a close call today. I guess I finished buildin that false wall right on time!! The gas meter reader girl stopped by and said she needed to check my meter in the basement, reluctantly I escorted her to my lower level and hoped all would go well. From my perspective she had no clue of what was goin on. or that anything was behind the wall.

This was a great way to conceal a room. I built shelfs the length of the wall except for 3 feet at one end in a corner. the set of shelves seperate in the middle and one half of the shelves are built on wheels that are hidden. On the floor I built a guide rail for the set of shelves that roll. Also a hidden lock mechanism prevents others from being able to access the hidden room. To access room U simply unlock the shelves, give a lil push to seperate shelves and wha la, the entrance is exposed.



