Please ban me from politics forum

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Well-Known Member
I could care less about investigating trolls being trolled.

You have not yet acknowledged any verifiable information that time and again shows the holes in your foreign troll propaganda, that is being pushed by verifiable liars who speak directly for Trump. I really hope you are not just cat fishing us and start forming your own thoughts on these things, because if it is bothering you this much, it would be a great relief to understand it is all smoke and mirrors designed to cover dear leaders ass.


Well-Known Member
He’s lucky I just smoked. I’m gonna let him slide this time... but this politics thread is trash. You offer no proof and I lay out empirical evidence + gov documents. Buck that’s your one and only warning buddy.


Active Member
And I am 100% Bernie. After DNC rigged I spread Hillary disinfo on all platforms 24/7 for about 3 months. Mostly in the key states like Florida, Michigan, and Ohio. I did not vote for trump... can’t stand the guy... but I sure was glad Hillary lost.
J this is NOT a political forum it's a troll orgy.
Time to get off of here and go for a walk it's not healthy in here!


Well-Known Member
Are you aware that Hillary did an under the table arms deal funneling weapons from Libya to Syria and was involved in funding the FSA - Free Syrian Army... which later splintered into isis? She provided stinger missiles to FSA which ended up in the hands of isis and used in Afghanistan to kill Troops. They traced one of the stingers back to a cia/Hillary arms deal. She’s a flagrant war criminal like Kissinger. Lock her up.
Are you still crying?
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