PLEASE check this out. well worth it. promise


Well-Known Member
Hey boys n girls. I have a great treat for you all. I suggest to check out this link im sure you will enjoy. Even better if you are blazed. I thought this had a great new sound to it and wanted to share. Maybe you heard it already maybe not.

Tell me if you liked it. I thought it was unreal.

YouTube - Dr. Draw

be easy


Well-Known Member
dude, that's awesome. it's weird to think about the violin's roots and then see it played like that in a rock band... kinda cool. and the harp -THAT- i have not seen before lol


Well-Known Member
i thought it was pretty damn convincing- very good, although not flawless... but that's the sort of stuff i do for a living, so i'm more critical than 99% of people when it comes to that.