Please delete this thread.


Well-Known Member
Not gonna happen. But dont worry, if you dont reply it will be lost in the pile within a day.


Misguided Angel
Probably because it is a public forum and if everyone deleted their threads there wouldn't be any info...


Well-Known Member
Well for one thing, you would be deleting other peoples posts if someone had posted.

How about this. THINK BEFORE YOU HIT THE SUBMIT BUTTON!!! Is it that hard?


Well-Known Member
Yea well sometimes ppl realize that alot of their posts are redundant and actually clutters the forum alot. Inexperiece can lead you to say things that arent right and in trying to give adivice you can ill inform people. Every situation is slighly different, People make mistakes and blah blah blah read read read dont post till you read things but people gotta realize that if u havent grown be4 you would appreciate the adivce from people who are fortunate to have worked with this herb for so long. And NLx i said thread that YOU have started duuhh then someone would go and delete the whole site....
And sometimes a thread seems so good by its title then i go to read it and its just some bullshit comp battle between two people fighting over opinions and how fools should read the encyclopedia of pot be4 they even put a seed in the ground.


Misguided Angel
Well for one thing, you would be deleting other peoples posts if someone had posted.

How about this. THINK BEFORE YOU HIT THE SUBMIT BUTTON!!! Is it that hard?
Exactly what I was getting at. If you post something, it's there for good unless a mod deletes it.


Active Member
Exactly what I was getting at. If you post something, it's there for good unless a mod deletes it.
Well if it's a pointless thread than odds are that the posts are pointless. But your right, it would probably be better to just leave it how it is.


Active Member
Well for one thing, you would be deleting other peoples posts if someone had posted.

How about this. THINK BEFORE YOU HIT THE SUBMIT BUTTON!!! Is it that hard?
It's kinda hard to "THINK BEFORE YOU HIT THE SUBMIT BUTTON" when your blasted.


Misguided Angel
Do you know how long it would take mods to verify and check every thread and post on here? They are here to make sure people adhere to the terms and conditions of the site. There are always going to be useless threads and posts, kind of like this one haha. But what some people find useless isn't necessary useless to all.


Well-Known Member
Well if it's a pointless thread than odds are that the posts are pointless. But your right, it would probably be better to just leave it how it is.
hahaa amen dude ive messed up so many posts bc i was blitted when i posted, i love llookin the next day an im like wtf was i thinking lol