Please help diagnose this issue


Active Member
Hi. This is one of two girls that seem to be suffering some sort of problem. Their two sisters are fine, so I am a little perplexed.

These girls are grown from clones in soil and sit under a 600w HPS. They are 16 days into flowering cycle.

As you will see, they are stunted and a very pale green. I have boosted nitrogen, but this hasn't had much of an effect.

Note that lower leaves are yellowing, some leaves have brown spots, and the whole plant is stunted.

Any advice will be appreciated :)



Active Member
Thanks - Have had a good look at the postings and it sort of looks like an ozone issue, but I don't generate ozone, so yeah...? Wondering if I should leave them as is and accept a small yield or perhaps put them back into vege and then use them as mothers. My only concern is that any clones from these might have the same problem. <sigh>.


Well-Known Member
the one that is a problem.. flush her and then flush her again then lay off nutes for a couple weeks,, should fix ya up


the one that is a problem.. flush her and then flush her again then lay off nutes for a couple weeks,, should fix ya up
There are nute issues, but my guess is that it has to do with nute lockout vs a particular deficiency. I see Fe, several micros, along with the macros. Number one reason for this is predominately an improper soil pH & chemistry. The plants don't look burnt/over nuted. They are deficient. They appear stunted as well. Flushing at 1/2 solution, properly pH'd, is the best bet. Is that soil, or coir? If it is soil & you didn't prep for pH & haven't been monitoring/accounting for, it is likely highly acidic in there... low 5's, maybe even in the 4's. That would toss them into lockout. Flush 3x the volume of the pots with solution as above. Would also recommend adding some finely ground dolomite lime to your solution. Best.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply Gio. I suspect you may be right!

I am probably being dumb, but what is the 'solution' you mention? Do you mean my normal flowering cycle nutes at half strength, or are you suggesting a solution of Fe, etc.

Ans yes, they are in soil - potting mix with perlite added. I can't help wondering if perhaps I used two different bags of soil when potting these. As I mentioned, only two of four are suffering this condition, the others are looking fine :)

Once again thanks. I look forward to your clarification.

Lefty kiss-ass


No prob, wasn't too clear... yup, solution in that your normal nutrient mix with additives, if used, properly pH'd of course. Interesting that you mixed 2 different bags... of soil, right? If perl, then no biggie. But peat based soil is usually very acidic unless fortified with lime. This varies between manufacturers, and even between batches from the same manufacturer. So, it is likely that one bag is lower in pH vs the other...? Interesting though. Best.


Active Member
Two weeks later......

Happily my girls have recovered nicely and are even looking better than their sisters. Checking Ph today, I note that it seems that two are happier at a ph level of 6.5 rather than 6.0. Anyone care to comment on this? I wouldn't have thought half a point would make much difference.

  • The two that were sick are the two on the right in the first pic.
  • 2nd pic is one of the colas on these two
  • The 3rd pic shows them in the foreground
  • 4th pic is aerial view
  • 5th pic is my other two. They still seem a little pale to me and soil ph is .5 lower

Thanks again Gio and everyone for your advice!



