Please help! (Discoloration of leaves,yellowing.)


Well-Known Member
Just a word of advice,if you ever get wood chips in your soil you will have to feed your plants even seedlings.
Wood chips sucks nitrogen right out the soil.


Well-Known Member
They have been in buckets for a while dude and they seem to be yellowing out more. :(
They looking worse i think.. is there anything i can do?? :s
Is there plenty of holes in your cups/pots? More holes than pot is better! They still look N deficient...hungry girls...

(Edit) Mg or N deficient, try fresh nutes every 1-2 days...the advantages of DWC! ;)


Active Member
Theres a fairbit! Not kime a net though. They could be more. :s
i dnt really wanna try repot again they might die. :(
I dont know what to do.was thinkin oc torchin a rod and slighty peircin extra holes. But scared of platic toxins or damagin roots even. So stressed!! :(


Well-Known Member
Keep on pouring nutes over by hand a couple of times a day, up the nute strength if the leaves/leafs continue to fade, keep a close eye on Ph.
You're right to be reluctant to re-pot again, it's just more stress.
Leaves that have faded won't return to green again by the way...


Active Member
I should of eent with hakf stength veg. Not abit under! Is it necessary to drop in some more nutes now,or should i just leave it for a day or few hours or so?? Im so confused. Dont really wanna lose these seedlings. :(
Should the water lvl be bit higher than just touchin the cups because of not as many holes as a net??
Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
"I should of eent with hakf strength..." ??

You can put the level a bit higher if you want, and watering by hand; the roots will soon get down to the nutrient. (Which could be the best time to get some holes in the pot, if needed)

They aren't going to die dude! They've got roots, got some food/water, got light.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look worst to me,hell in a few weeks those bright green leaves will probably die and will be a thing of the past.
IMO i would have never transplanted a sick plant to a new medium or hydro since that will most likely cause stress.
The new growth looks healthy but also looks like your ph too high (leaves twisting) .


Active Member
The fans are goong note yellow with brown tips kind of. Il repost update pics tomorrow if there ok. :(

Would half strength nutes be too strong for then at time like this?

Thanks for the help guys.
People in these forums are way more helpful than some others out there.



Active Member
My leaves are looking funny dude :s the green top growth looked as if they were flaring out kind of. Im not sure if they are fadin more and if i should add more nutes.
Are they asking for something? Been had feeding the buckets two to three times daily. Seems to be satisfying the flaring out of leaves a little i think. Color and is kind of scaring me.



Well-Known Member
My leaves are looking funny dude :s the green top growth looked as if they were flaring out kind of. Im not sure if they are fadin more and if i should add more nutes.
Are they asking for something? Been had feeding the buckets two to three times daily. Seems to be satisfying the flaring out of leaves a little i think. Color and is kind of scaring me.
Those leaves will be dead soon,but don't worry you don't really have a problem yet and im sure your plants are gonna love getting that extra air and light on the stalk.
My Indica plants did that too,then i found out that every node below those leaves had male parts.


Active Member
You shouldn't try fix a problem by adding more and more food!
If you have been feeding them then they aren't lacking, it will be a lock out. Do you check your ph of the water before you feed at least if you don't have a soil meter?


Active Member
sworth:8057237 said:
Yup! And if they're still fading 24 hours later, up it again imo.

Hey dude,they havnt grown abit. I cant notice anyway. :( the bigger ones fan leaves are slowly yellowing out and dying folding upwards not drying out completely right away. The stem looks fat as. :s
I slightly pulled bit of the roots through the cup two days ago because they wern't popping through. They are fairly big.still dark from the transplant not properly cleaned. Etc. The little one seems slightly burnt so i emptied some res water and added some plain phd water.
dunno what the hell is the problem. Please help bro.

