PLEASE help me out ? *PICTURES*


Active Member
So i go to visit my plants
and there is like this white stuff on the end of most of the leaves.
i dont know what it is . :shock:
possibly mold ?
and the leafs look burnt .
Can anyone shed some light on this ?
i think i may have spider mites too. :cry:
my plants are in their second week of flowering



Active Member
Looks like the same thing my plants are doing and it seems with help its been narrowed down to ph problem my soil was to acidic. My plants are in pots so its a bit easier to deal with this and was fixed with dolomite lime.


Active Member
so its not mold ?

Looks like the same thing my plants are doing and it seems with help its been narrowed down to ph problem my soil was to acidic. My plants are in pots so its a bit easier to deal with this and was fixed with dolomite lime.


Well-Known Member
thats not powder mold it looks like something just blew in against the morning dew and dried yhat way on it, other than that it does look like p.h


Well-Known Member
Yep, listen to him^, it's powdery mildew. I didn't see any signs of spidermites, which is good, because most other pests are easier to deal with. Looks like caterpillar damage, but not for certain. :)


Active Member
No I say its not powdery mildew if it was the entire leaves would be covered with a white mildew. Im just saying it looks like what mine was doing and I had not problems with mold or mildew do to my dry climate. I still say ph issue.


Do you have a loom or a magnifying glass? Turn the leaves over and check real good, especially near the stem, and see if there is anything at all, bug wise. We have been dealing with thrip, and little bug, that does this to the leaves. I can't imagine doing all this outdoors because your plants can catch so much stuff even from neighbors plants. The Ph is VERY important when watering and also nutrients. It could be nutrient burn or bugs or the Ph can be wrong. How are they doing now?


Active Member
i havnt checked .
its hard to check them as i can only check them once a day.
there like a 20 min walk from here , back in the bush
on some other guys property ( he doesnt even know )
so , today was the day i found the 'suspected' mildew or mold.
ill post more pics tomorrow .
im flushing them .
atleast ill try because they are in the ground .


Well-Known Member
why treat for something you dont have? say bugs and ph are your real problem cause that isnt pm
Why do you feel so compelled to negative honestly.
It's clear you don't know what your talking about seeing as you have to be negative to get your point across... That's called hating from where i come from, if you want to be helpful quit being a jerk.


Well-Known Member
is that being negative? i really think if you look at the pics that it does not look like p/m.... you say i dont know what im talking about ahahahaha.... i even posted some pics to back up/show what i was talking about....just trying to help, not be negative.......dosent sound like you know what your talking about talrox