please help me pick a piece

No dude I think if I went there i would stay there for ever :)

did u know that in holland u can be a golf pro with a handicap of 12 ! ROFL !

to easy...

that dolphin has some good rep i hear ;)

maybe i should become a golfer and live there :)

yer its best coffee shop imo. ofc i will be trying to go in as many as poss.

also, in the dolphin, u get free wifi access and if u ask the staff behind the bar, u can borrow a bong from them and just give it back when u leave :)

they also do, weed toasties, space cakes - apprantly the best in amsterdam, baked fresh every morning, space tea and their house weed, white dolphin is really nice. i cant wait to go back :D
maybe i should become a golfer and live there :)

yer its best coffee shop imo. ofc i will be trying to go in as many as poss.

also, in the dolphin, u get free wifi access and if u ask the staff behind the bar, u can borrow a bong from them and just give it back when u leave :)

they also do, weed toasties, space cakes - apprantly the best in amsterdam, baked fresh every morning, space tea and their house weed, white dolphin is really nice. i cant wait to go back :D

Sounds like a cozy place :)

maybe u should start golfing in holland m8... never know, u might be the next ben hogan :)
dont know who he is.....

ive only ever played crazy golf :p

well is supposed to be the guy who had it all in one bag :D

short game, long game... evrything.. sand.. rough.. evrything.. from backspin shots.. to pinpointing the ball.. i dont know man.. my dad allways talked bout him

got boring... and didnt listen :D


crazy golf :P i've playd the golf where u go and shoot at old buildings... i mean, of course i was good.. but wtf do ppl think that havnt playd there gona hit the ball good ? rofl... it was nearly suicide with those guys...
