Please help me pleeeeeeeeease


OK so i had a Phosphorus surplus and ive been flushing for 3 days straight, the levels of P have come down a bit and there is very little N and K. my question is should i wait till they dry out a bit b4 i continue to flush? Im afraid im water stressing my plants but i had no chance because all the phosphorus was burning the hell out of them.


Well-Known Member
Um,...why didn't you flush them completely, the first time?(or second, once you knew the first didn't work) Just messin with :wink: Anyway,...I'd go ahead and finish flushing, if they need it, then let them dry out. It shouldn't hurt them, especially if your soil has decent drainage. How big/old are they? They're alot more resistant to overwatering, once they get larger, and have filled their pot with roots. It's the little ones that are at most risk, because they don't use much water, and the soil stays soaked for a long time. Use your best judgement, but, I'd say they'll be fine. :)


Dude i fuckin love you for helping me!!! Lol yeah i flushed for 8 hours straight two days in a row 3rd day went a little better. Yeah they are gigantic 6footers bushy as hell they got good root growth, good to know that bigger ones can handle it... I let em go today without water the death has slowed significantly, imma not water em tomorrow as well, by then it should be dry enough for another flush. Thanks for help