Please Help Sick Ladies with pics

Hey there guys! So I desperately need some help!!! These weird greenish/brownish lesions are appearing on my plants almost overnight! I’ve been growing 3 unknown strains (bag seeds) in MG potting soil. The problem is in the flowering room, the older plant is 5 weeks into flowering weed1.jpgand the younger was just moved in on Mondayweed2.jpg. I have 200W HPS bulbs and the plants are approximately 8-12 inches from the light. I’m watering every second or third day with tap water that has been left out overnight. Until last week, I had been using a general purpose MG plant food at half strength for veg and a random bloom fert from the local gardening store, also at half strength, during those first few flowering weeks. Last week I came into a free starter kit from technaflora (yea!!) and began using that after leaching all plants with pure H[SUB]2[/SUB]O. The temp and humidity of the room seem right on~ temp is running between 75°-80° and the humidity is pretty consistently around 70%. They are all planted in black 3 gal. grow bags. And the only bugs I see are a couple spiders, which I’m leaving at this point~ despite them giving me the heebie jeebies ;) ~since they’re a beneficial bug for plants being little predators and all. At this point, I’ve read through 20-30 different threads in different forums and consulted my go-to grow “bibles” in an effort to self diagnose my babies, to no avail. ;( I just can’t determine, whether its nute burn from the new nutes, or is it salt buildup locking out my nute uptake? Or could it be even worse and be some mold or fungus? Or a combination of problems…Big Sad Face! ;(( I’m sooooo confused and want to save my lovely ladies if at all possible. Any suggestions of problem or solution would be greatly appreciated!!! Also, I realize this is not the best quality grow, but I had to start somewhere…Thanks for the .02 and happy labor day weekend to all!