Please help with maximizing space/ clone/ plant rotation


Well-Known Member
Hello nice people.
What I am aiming for is to have my flower room and veg room full at all times and to make the most of my space without wasting plants.

I wanted to show pics, but must get a new memory card first...

Anyway my veg room is 2 x 5 and my flower room is 4 x 4. Currently I have 8 very healthy SSH clones in the veg room, 6 of them are 3 weeks old and 12" high and 2 of them are 1 week old and 6" high. In my flower room I have 2 bushy white rhinos about 2 weeks into flowering.

I have space to put maybe 3 of the SSH plants into the flowering room now (if they are even ready at 12"?)... which would leave 5 clones getting big and bushy in the veg room... is it ok to keep on vegging the remaining plants while i wait for space in the flower room? more space will be available in 6 weeks when the WR's are done... do I need to trim the vegging plants during that time?

I hope I'm being clear about what I'm asking... basically I'm trying to figure out the best schedule for the 8 clones I have... if I could put them all in flower at once I would...

If I put 3 SSH plants into flower now (they are 12" tall) then I would put 2 more into flower in 6 weeks, and 3 more in 9 weeks or so...

The main question is... is it fine/ beneficial to veg the remaining plants for 6 and 9 weeks, and do I need to do anything special with them during this time? trim? top? train?

Any helpful advice is very appreciated, thank you very much. It is very, very important that I make the most of every plant.

I will try to get a memory card today, maybe it will be easier if you guys can see what I have going on.
thank you thank you thank you