Please help yet another Newbie!


Hi to all you guy and dolls out there! This brand new newbie is in need of your expertise. I’m having some issues with my one (and only) girl. She is entering the last 3 weeks or so of flowering and I’m getting a problem that won’t go away. I’ve looked at the plant abuse section with pictures, but I’m not sure any fit, so here goes…
My pictures show about a quarter way down from the top 4 of the larger leaves having some yellow spots with brown spots in the center of them. It is mostly happening at this level of the plant. Below this section it’s very limited. Some of the leaves are also a bit twisty. My pictures make my plant way more yellow than it is! The picture of the whole plant is fairly close. It is mostly these spotty leaves that are driving my bonkers:wall:! I’m using a 400-watt system with a light mover, (yaa, probably over kill, but I want as much coverage I can get on the lower leaves). Also this is a soil grow with Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I'm pretty sure over watering is not an issue as I have a meter for this, and am pretty good at checking the weight of my pots. Wondering if this might be a Potassium issue? Any advice will be taken with open arms!
On a side note… this is my first forum I’ve ever ventured out into. All you Natives seem to be a kind lot. I’m somewhat of an introvert, but hope to make new friends along this path.
Till the world caves in…



Active Member
Plants just using its energy reserve mate, i'm in the last stage of flower and about 80% of one plant is yellow and its a nug laden sticky smelly beast, its only a problem if the rate of the floiage depletion is quicker than bud growth. Once flowering is over its no use having green leaves.

I've seen some monster plants on RIU with no leaves left just before harvest.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU!!!

I'd agree with the last 2 posts^^^^^, just yer plant doing its thang. I actually get worried if my leaves are not doing this at later flowering stages. Happy finishing bru.



Thank you MediMaryUser
, maturesmoker

, stoner1984

, and DST! Nice to know someone cares out there! I guess I’m freaking out over nothing.:shock:

I had used the last of my seeds to get some plants growing but… 12 seeds = 2 females. The seeds were old, and I found out about the Banana thing to late. So one to harvest and the other is becoming a nice Momma!
Thanks again!
Coo Coo Ca Choo