Please help!!!!!!


hello fellow stoners!!!

i wanted to kno if any of ya out there can possibly tell me wats going on with my plant.

the bottom leaves started dying out &
the very last leaves just turned brown.

i thought it could have been a nitrogen deficiency or maybe lack of light at the bottom of the stem if anyone can help clrify this for me i'd really appreciate it! Attached Thumbnails and the problem keeps getting worse it just keeps going on higher up the plant!!!



Well-Known Member
The lower leaves die off as the plant matures. Lower leaves yellowing could be a sign of nitrogen def. Give some more info please...soil type, indoor or outdoor, pH etc.bongsmilie


The lower leaves die off as the plant matures. Lower leaves yellowing could be a sign of nitrogen def. Give some more info please...soil type, indoor or outdoor, pH etc.bongsmilie
its in sum soil my brother got from the landscaping company he works for
it was mixed wit small pieces of wood chip but i picked that out
the ph level is about 6.3 and 6.5

its an indoor plant under 2 32W CFL's on a 18/6 no nutes yet

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
I think your problem most likely derived from poor quality soil. If theres grass seed in there then who knows what else is in there. I would be very cautious with that plant. Take into consideration that many pests love dry wood, ecspecially mites. Can you post a pic of the entire plant showing the new growth as well as the damage to the upper portion of the plant?


I think your problem most likely derived from poor quality soil. If theres grass seed in there then who knows what else is in there. I would be very cautious with that plant. Take into consideration that many pests love dry wood, ecspecially mites. Can you post a pic of the entire plant showing the new growth as well as the damage to the upper portion of the plant?

alright sure just gimme a couple mins


Well-Known Member
my bad for the poor quality of the pics

my cameras pretty shitty
It probably needs to be transplanted. It's probably about time for some nutes. Start slow with them, like 1/4 strength to start out and then work up slowly.


It probably needs to be transplanted. It's probably about time for some nutes. Start slow with them, like 1/4 strength to start out and then work up slowly.
yea i thought that maybe that could be the problem but wat would be the ideal next size up?

should i do lyk a 2 gallon pot or higher?

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Are the bottom leaves getting light?

Do you leave the plant in the same spot, or are you moving it around?

How often do you water?


Are the bottom leaves getting light?

Do you leave the plant in the same spot, or are you moving it around?

How often do you water?

yea they bottom leaves get light and i try to move it around often so that everything gets ample light

and i water her at least once a day i do the finger test for the water
but on days that it gets to hot in the room and the soil dries up quick i might water twice but i always mist the leaves atleast every 3-4 hours

Rudy Rudiger

Well-Known Member
Ya its pretty easy fix. Investing in a moisture meter would take the guess work out of watering.

Also, misting when its hot is'nt really beneficial to the plants growth. The ideal temp to mist/foliar feed is like room temp. Anywhere from 70-75f. Generally speaking, the leaf stomata are not fully open above 80f.