Please help


Active Member
Okay, I just hit two weeks of my first grow. I planted three cheese and three plushberries two Fridays ago in Happy Frog, with a three inch layer of FFOF in the bottom, everything mixed about 50/50 with perlite. I'm under a 1,000 watt digital ballast, but had it dialed down to 500 for most of the grow. I didn't think they were getting enough light, so I bumped it up to 750. I don't want to run it at 1,000 for 18 hrs per day for economic reasons. Temp is around 79-82 during lights on, and falls to around 65 at night. I found mites on one yesterday and drenched them with neem oil/water/soap. The pots were dry today, so I figured I'd go ahead and feed them, since it was probably time, as I had only relied on the nutes that were amended to the soil for the first two weeks. Anyway, immediately after, they all started clawing. Is this normal? P1360824.jpgP1360825.jpgP1360826.jpgP1360827.jpgP1360828.jpgP1360829.jpgP1360830.jpg Also, what's up with the leaf on this one? P1360831.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well... it looks like you got a little nute burn there on that last pic. And it looks like you trimmed the tips off a couple other leaves (more nute burn?)

What kinda nutes are you using? Could be over fed.

But no, clawing is not normal... unless there's something wrong. It doesn't look like you're plants are clawing that bad though, if at all, could be over watered maybe?


Active Member
I didn't feed them any nutes for the past two weeks. The tips were dried when I got them home as clones due to extreme weather and a long drive.


Active Member
The cheese were mostly affected. The plushberries bounced back quickly from that hot drive home, but the cheese's leaves were fried.


Active Member
As for feeding today, I added 2 tbs + 1 tsp of botanicare pure blend pro grow to two gallons of water and split it between the 6 girls.


Well-Known Member
Over watering sometimes looks like clawing. If your plants are clawing it's not severe enough that I can tell it apart from over watering, at least with pics.

That does look like nute burn though, on the last pic.

FFOF has a lot of nutes in it. I use it and don't feed my plants for the first month even.


Active Member
I haven't over-watered. I let em get nice and dry before I water em - light, with the dirt starting to separate from the pot.


Active Member
Another thing, if it is nute burn, would the amended soil do that? Like I said, I fed them nutes for the first time yesterday, about five minutes before taking those pics, so it surely wouldn't react that quickly, would it? On a side not, the clawing went away after about an hour. Really weird.