Please look at my tree, is it ready it ready for haversting?


Hi Everyone!

So this is my Sativa tree, standing nearly 12ft tall... It has been grown on its own naturally without any help or chemicals.
Can someone please tell me the condition(which looks quite fine to me) an maybe what strain?
Is it ready to harvest, or if I should wait another week or two?


If you can't view or enlarge photos please have a look here:

Thank you! :-P


Well-Known Member
well well... your plant is healthy has fuck for not using any nutes... bet your soil is dank has fuck!!! that sativa there is getting kinda close to being done.. it should be done in around 3 weeks time.... most of if not all of the hairs would have turned color.... and most of your fan leaves will be a yellow color and falling off.. your very close.. and that plant looks sativa has fuck... it may even put out a new set of white hairs has it ripens.. dont get confused by that.. harvest in 21 days...


Thank you Tragic420 & theexpress. Personally I thought I'd wait one more week... but then again I have never gotten so far growing one so "big" yet. We have garden services & the douchebag workers swipes a twig or some buds every week when they come... I would like to have some left eventually hehehe. I'll just "tape it off" with some or other warning sign... Hopefully they don't get frustrated and report me for not "sharing" :O

Just to mention, this tree literally sprung up and grew like a weed(pun intended hehe)... Those buds have maybe been going at it for about 3-4 weeks since they started to appear.

Any more information or tips would be really welcome

Thanks! :D


Well-Known Member
Trichs r almost nice and milky, and stigmas still have a lil coloration to put on, but u r about two-three weeks from choppin... Just like Tragic420 said... Looks like a really nicely grown Christmas-tree shaped, textbook Sativa... Lovely trichome proliferation, and a nice amount of stigmas, and overall beautiful buds, man... Well done, for not having put much into it, as far as any ferts, and such... It's most definately a Sativa, possibly 100%, but, as to what exact lineage... you'll just have to do some searches and compare your final product to pics of others' sativas, and sativa-dominant species... Looks to be a nice choice for medicine, and also looks like you'll have plenty of medicine to enjoy and share with some lucky friends/family, though! U can also help refine your search of which strain it may be, by the smell, produced by the essential oils(terpines), which is usually always one of the things that people note in their descriptions of the strains they r growing... It it definately of equitorial Sativa lineage, though... I can say that much, with no doubt at all... Good job, man!


Well-Known Member
Hi mate if its only been flowering for about 4 weeks, then you got about 4 weeks at least left. If it is a sativa dominant you could be looking at another 6+ weeks. Just my opinion, but you dnt get many cannabis plants that will flower in under 7


Well-Known Member
Scotty hit the nail on the head there it is most definatly sativa and is a long way from being done imo id say 6weeks+ looking from those pics


Trichs r almost nice and milky, and stigmas still have a lil coloration to put on, but u r about two-three weeks from choppin... Just like Tragic420 said... Looks like a really nicely grown Christmas-tree shaped, textbook Sativa... Lovely trichome proliferation, and a nice amount of stigmas, and overall beautiful buds, man... Well done, for not having put much into it, as far as any ferts, and such... It's most definately a Sativa, possibly 100%, but, as to what exact lineage... you'll just have to do some searches and compare your final product to pics of others' sativas, and sativa-dominant species... Looks to be a nice choice for medicine, and also looks like you'll have plenty of medicine to enjoy and share with some lucky friends/family, though! U can also help refine your search of which strain it may be, by the smell, produced by the essential oils(terpines), which is usually always one of the things that people note in their descriptions of the strains they r growing... It it definately of equitorial Sativa lineage, though... I can say that much, with no doubt at all... Good job, man!
Thank you GanjaGod420000, really nice information there!

Thanks scotia & chedder! If its still 6 weeks to go & if that's what it takes, then that's what I'll do!

that plant looks to me like it has been blooming longer then 4 weeks...
It could/might be 5 to 6 weeks along... I haven't really kept track. I just one day I walked 'round in the garden and "noticed" it as it was a little hidden & growing between some shrubs. I think it was actually some decent, big & dark brown seeds that might've "dropped" there... I'll post some new pics during the next weeks to come!


Well-Known Member
Absolutely right... Most equitorial sativas are in fact 12 week flowering varieties, as the natural growing seasons where they originate from are typically much longer than for shorter flowering indica variations, with their shorter growing seasons...
Hi mate if its only been flowering for about 4 weeks, then you got about 4 weeks at least left. If it is a sativa dominant you could be looking at another 6+ weeks. Just my opinion, but you dnt get many cannabis plants that will flower in under 7


Well-Known Member
But, only use the "weeks" as a basic guideline, not as set-in-stone and hard and fast rules of harvest... Only harvesty when THC and other cannabinoids are at their peak levels before they begin to degrade and lower in potency... When the trichs r clear, it is still too early as the gland heads havent developed all the way and the THC and other cannabinoids are not at their height... When the trichs are milky, they are ALMOST at their peaks, when they r all milky with sloght touches of amber, BAM!-thatz when they are PERFECT for cutting down and harvesting... However, some people prefer their trichs to bemore amber than others, and with that often comes a more sedative, "couch-lock"-type of effect, which DOES have itz place in medical aspects, and even in preferential aspects... So, My suggestion, is to take a lil when they are clear-milky, a lil when they r all milky, most when they are all milky, with touches of amber, and MABYE a lil of the rest once theyve all turned mostly all amber... That way, you can personally test each stage, and decide which you prefer, so that you will have a tried and tested basis for determining when you will take down the next crop... Also, going by stigma coloration is kind of "if-fy", as there can be 75% of them still white-ish, but the trichs r saying they r at peak-levels, and itz just up to the grower to take em or not if thatz the case... Some strains don't change stigma color by a greater percentage, than others do, when it is actually at itz peak ripeness to harvest... Yet, with some strains, the stigmas and trichomes play hand-in-hand with each other's stages of development, so itz a crapshoot, and you kinda haveta go by weeks, trichs, AND stigmas, to make the call on when itz time, u know?


Hey Everybody!

Thank you ALL very much for all the information, I really appreciate a lot!

GanjaGod420000, thanks for making some things clearer for me. I think I'm going to do as you suggested and maybe do 2 or 3 harvests. 1st Time I'll get some when they all seem milky. 2nd When they're milky starting to go amber, 'bout 10-15% amber or so. 3rd A "lil" bit when they've all mostly gone amber bout 60-75% or so.

One thing I've noticed is there are barely any seeds... I've seen only about 3 or 4 inspecting ALL the buds, is that good or bad?

Thanks again guys! :razz:


Well-Known Member
That pic looks awfully familiar to the one posted by some lebanese guy a lil while ago going on about his sativa, I say your just an ass!


Well-Known Member
im not useing nutes either, my girls are very pretty and smell very nice. as far as bud production goes ill have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
It just means that u either had a hermie pop up and partially pollenate itself, or there may have been a male growing within a mile or so of your female, an only a tiny bit of itz pollen landed on a section of your plant... Given the size, itz not a horrible thing, and you either have a cross of unknown origin, which could be an awesome thing, or u have a few fem'd seeds, if it was caused by a hermie... Either way, not anything to be too concerned with... U will probably appreciate having them when u go to start your next garden...
Hey Everybody!

Thank you ALL very much for all the information, I really appreciate a lot!

GanjaGod420000, thanks for making some things clearer for me. I think I'm going to do as you suggested and maybe do 2 or 3 harvests. 1st Time I'll get some when they all seem milky. 2nd When they're milky starting to go amber, 'bout 10-15% amber or so. 3rd A "lil" bit when they've all mostly gone amber bout 60-75% or so.

One thing I've noticed is there are barely any seeds... I've seen only about 3 or 4 inspecting ALL the buds, is that good or bad?

Thanks again guys! :razz:


Well-Known Member
And, if I were u Id take 60-75% of the buds when they r milky with hints of amber, and 10-15% when they r mostly amber, which will have a lower cannabinoid level...


That pic looks awfully familiar to the one posted by some lebanese guy a lil while ago going on about his sativa, I say your just an ass!
Ummm... okay, I dunno what your are trying to say but I am not "that" guy who ever you're talking about. :?:

I just came here for some advice that's all... and I'm happy & appreciative for the great advice that I've gotten so far thanks guys!

Just an update so far:

So some of the leaves have started dying and are turning yellow(in the middle of the tree), they are also slowly starting to fall off... There has not been much change on the buds, except for about 40-50% the pistols starting to go reddish brown... The trichs are semi clear/milky. I am affraid if I let it go for 2-3 more weeks they will start going into regression...

Think the time might be right?

Thanks again guys! :-o