PLEase someone tell me if this will help my plant flower.


Well-Known Member
my plant has been flowering for one week , i havnet used this yet but am tonight and am planing on using half the doseage for the first week then full the second but it says use it once every two week on the back of the bottle , this shouldnt hurt my plant using this every watering right?


Well-Known Member
my plant has been flowering for one week , i havnet used this yet but am tonight and am planing on using half the doseage for the first week then full the second but it says use it once every two week on the back of the bottle , this shouldnt hurt my plant using this every watering right?
why not follow the manufacturer's instructions? is there a reason you want to alter the dosage? it could definitely burn the plant being used with every feeding. most fertilizers are designed to be used bi-watering to keep the salt levels low, for one. be safe...