Pleaseeeee Help with determining sex


Hey sorry I am new here and I am probably posting in the wrong place. This is my first time growing and these are two of my oldest plants they are around 5 weeks from seed. It is still probably early to tell but if anyone with a trained eye could shed some info on wether or not these are female that would be really appreciated thanks guys!
The first three photos are my first plant and the last two are my second plant



Well-Known Member
The only answers you're going to get will be guesses. Just wait until they show for sure. That's all you can do. Don't be in a rush to yank something that someone says is a male based off some pictures you posted. Even if you do come across a male you'll have plenty of time to remove it before it pollinates any females. Males have to develop just like females so just having a male around won't pollinate any females until it starts releasing pollen which takes awhile once it start forming it's male parts.