Plz Help me Diagnose problem +PICS amensia haze round 2 month into flowering

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member

The nugs look nice. Heat stress sounds about right. Looks like your plants were aching for some Potassium a bit ago... can't say for sure now.
I don't think you need a whole flush, maybe just a lot of run off with a balanced, low strength, organic bloom tea.

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
thx :) im a bit noob with nutrienst so i will write what i have - some organic humic fertilizer its says N 225/570 ,P205 60/180 , K205 3000/5000 : CaO 100/200 MgO 60/100 ph 7-8
I got some root stimulating nutrition n/p2o5/k2o 9 45 15 and 20-20-23 + microelements both liquid i got soluable 9/45/15 ,20-20-20 both with micro elements i also have Liquid bird guano and stumulant with vit B1 and microelements WITH
/N/ - 3,8%
/P2O5/ - 7,6%
/K2O/ - 7,8%
/Cu/ - 0,02%
which one should i use ? also an option to buy some 15/10/30 with microelements


Well-Known Member
The brown spot looks like bud rot, whats your humidity?

The leaf look like it could be over nute, what are you feeding it? Let us know JR

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
I feed 9-45-15 with the organic humic fetilizer both are 1:100 i water with 3 l of water with 10 ml of both + ocasionally stimulant + b1 and guano i feed like every 4-5 days... never flushed
Hmmm and bottom leaves are fine ... only top leafes.. are burnt... and not only the one closest to the lamp... so i guess is not heat stress...
I also have zeolite in soil (i hope it didnt locked something). I will post more photos in few seconds.. of other plants seam to have the same problem... (same strain same room same nutes )


Well-Known Member
Time to start diluting down, your ladies have used up all the nitrogen they need. thats why the coloring and spotting
Anymore fertilising at this stage of flower is ill advised.
on the upper right of that one bud you have either bud burn or rott?

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
Man amnesia haze flower for 120 day + for late harvest... Thats my second try with this strain... trust me there are 40 + days on these (till all thats white becomes orange)so plz tell me how to save the leaves and prevent the rot...

And anyone notice that they curl up ? whats this heat or NUTesburn ?

The closest guess for me is some heat with some Potassium deficiency?
So Should i feed 20-20-20 or organic humic shit or 15-10-30 ?"


Well-Known Member
Amnesia finishes flowering in 9 to 10 weeks.
Its time!

Don't worry about that leaf curl this far into flower its normal and if it is
nuts related it will only be helped by diluting .
lastly if thats bud rott on that upper bud, you gotta pick off by hand all the brown soft/moist rotted bud. you might be able to spare the rest of that cola.
In the future never let the humidity get above 55 % and NEVER folier spray your ladies late into flower.DSC_0030.jpg ask Ed

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
seems like Mag def, yellowing at tip then turning brown and pointing up then dieig followed by it "cupping/tacoing" and bending up like praying is a deff mag def.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Go with the 20-20-20 formula. You want to use it at 1/2 to 1/4 strength. Mix up maybe 10 gallons of the stuff, pH balanced to 6.5 (for soil, right?) and just run that through there to balance the system.

Give it like a week, soil should basically go dry. Then begin watering with no fertilizers until it finishes.