Pollinating Cannabis


Active Member
So I have pollinated two of my plants one is a nice kush and the other is a sativa dominant hybrid. I heard that the plants mature faster once they are pollinated but have never found this to be true when actually done. What are your experiences with pollinated females? Do they mature faster or do they seem to take the same amount of time as they would have without pollination?

This one is the ginger kush and was pollinated at week 2 of flowering. This picture was taken at week 3 of flowering. This strain takes just over 8 weeks (about 60 days) most times.


Well-Known Member
just depends on how and when, if you pollinate while its mostly hair and no bud then yes they will mature much faster. and i have found the the aging to be somewhat centralized to the pollinated bud site, rater than the whole plant. hormones timing is everything. if hit them heavy with pollen though its a guarantee they will mature faster. its all in the hormones.


Active Member
Thanks for the quick response. I was hoping that would be the case but how much less it really?

Ive always pollinated in the second to third week after the hairs show up. is this the best time to do it?


Well-Known Member
it can be, and thats when i pollinate too. usually my plants will reach ripeness after 50-60 days,and that is about 2 weeks early for most strains. i personally think earlier is a better time to do it since this will gove you a good time estimate on when the seed is ripe which will be around the same time the bud is ripe