Pool Shock - chlorine before or after pH adjustment?


Well-Known Member
I can not find it anywhere but seems like I read that chlorine was to be added after ph adjustments when mixing nutes, in my notes I have it written down to add chlorine products before ph adjusting? Anybody know for sure which is right?


Well-Known Member
Either way works. At least for me I'm adding so little it isn't going to change anything ph wise.


Well-Known Member
Chlorides I guess I should say, SA-20, was about to put in 5ml per gallon and wasn't sure about when to ph around it. But it doesn't seem like that much fluid could move the ph too far. I feel like I recall reading that it can mess with the ph sensor's reading more than the actual ph, but I have no idea/knowledge to share there.


Well-Known Member
I know how much ph down i need to get where I want. So I throw my air stone in the mix bucket. Add 4 gallons. Throw the ph down in, throw the shock in, then start weighing nutes.