Poor Man's Indoor Grow


Active Member
I'm currently on an EXTREMELY limited budget, so this is how my indoor poor man's grow is happening.

Also, I'm not doing this for money or anything I'm doing it so that I can just have a little extra bud for one. It's just a fun little project.

2 Germinated Seeds per plastic cup (4 seeds in total) with slits around the cup for drainage and saran wrap over the top to trap in heat and the humidity while an energy saving incandescent 15 watt light bulb is shining down about 2 feet above them, 16/8 for now.

(BTW, should I poke holes in the saran wrap?)

I'm using a water/urine fertilizer mix (urine is a great source of nitrogen along with other minerals) and I'm watering it about 2 times a week.

When they are starting in the vegetative state I will be digging 4 holes in the woods in my backyard and slicing the cups on the sides and opening the cup up and dropping the plants along with the dirt into the holes gently.

I have a couple of questions though about all of this though.

1. How long will the seeds take to go into vegetative?
2. The soil I will be planting them at in the woods has TONS of tall plants around it with roots growing EVERYWHERE in the ground. I have already made a path and a little grow spot, but will the roots from the other plants be a problem?
3. When will the smell start to become noticeable? I would like to keep them indoors for as long as possible.


i would put one seed per cup. id poke holes in saran so it could breathe and get fresh co2. the vegatative stage is anytime before it flowers i think. it will veg for awhile. i kept mine in the window sill until it got big enough that i thought it could survive outside. if youre putting them in the woods think about light. they need atleast 8 hours a day and you need as much as possible. i put mine on the outside of the woods so it would blend in with bushes. it needs to get morning sunlight to keep mold away.
You could always plant them in pots in the ground if you think their will be roots interfering with your plants. Make sure they are good sized pots with plenty of drainage holes. That would allow you to control the soil composition as well. I've heard that it is possible to have good luck with bags of dirt laid on the ground with a hole cut in the middle for the plant. Some things to think about.


Active Member
Here is the pot I will be planting in the ground when they are big enough.

It's about this size and it has good drainage, what do you guys think?

Also, I'm putting them in the window sill now instead of under a lamp so they can get fresh air and real sunlight along with the temperature outside considering now is a good time to plant them.



Well-Known Member
Urine MIGHT be a good source of nitrogen....but i'd never use it for my plants. Remember...you piss out alot of stuff your body doesn't want, which in turn could hurt your plants, plus...just the thought of it is REALLY gross. Buy some cheap fert from walmart if you need to.

To answer one of your questions...your plants will reach vegetative stage once the cotlydons fall off, usually around 2-3 weeks, at that stage you can begin to feed them.