Poor seeds...


What would be a disadvantage in using "bagseed" (random seeds from good strains? excuse my noob-ness: hence why i posted in the nub central) that have been in my jewelry door for one year. The seeds have remained in a dry dark place. A buddy of mine gave me them. He mentioned they were a year old or so. These seeds are two years i believe. I have thrown away the green immature, cracked, damaged seeds.

Main question - Can old seeds effect growth, and/or quality of weed produced?
And yes obviously they will be different strains since it's a blend of seeds from different mother strains.

Side questions, what are beans? Are they seeds, is that lingo too? I couldn't find the definition for that. I have seen frequent words used on this forum i am not familiar with.


Well-Known Member
bagseed is good for starters but the origins of the seeds are unknown. Chances are, if the bud was banging then the dude who grew it knew what he was doing, kinda. the bud prb hermed the last weeks or so and self pollinated its self. this could carry the hermi trait into your plant-undesirable by skilled growers. BUT ide give it a run and test the waters, its good to do a test run be4 you ruin a pack of good beans(seeds).


Great, i appreciate your insight. To me it seems as if it would be easier to skip the process of growing from seed and buy some clones - then grow the clones outdoors? I need a card for that though... Hmmm

What i do have is some great compost i have accumulated from the past year. I have the funds for a lot of the things people do on this site with grow rooms and what not. I'm not that interested in taking that step yet. I am very speculative about law here in California.


Well-Known Member
get your medical card then... easy process. then look at my grow if you want to see how it's done with pretty much a $0 budget


Well-Known Member
yea clones are nice as they are already healthy and mature, pending on who u got them from. but yea ude need a card to get them legit or caregiver. i live hella far from cali so im sure some1 else can shed some light on you, there are sections devoted to law and cali im pretty sure if u look around.


yea clones are nice as they are already healthy and mature, pending on who u got them from. but yea ude need a card to get them legit or caregiver. i live hella far from cali so im sure some1 else can shed some light on you, there are sections devoted to law and cali im pretty sure if u look around.
Yes, i figured there was. I am not a big smoker i just want to grow because i love plants, marijuana and grape vines especially. My friends all love smoking though. I do on occasion. Think my growing will change that?! Hahaaa


Well-Known Member
Just go to one of these store front weed doctors and tell them you ahve anxiety, get a script. Take the script, go to the weed store and ask if they have clones or if they know any local stores that have clones. The place I buy from has clones. they are $10 - $15 a piece. It's better than waiting for a seed to grow and hoping it's female and not a hermaphrodite or worse a male.