popular science gives omega garden the nod


Well-Known Member
i dont care if the pic is new...i just would like to see a finished plant.

give me an est yield per plant when you have optimal plant number in there. and what is optimal plant number, in your opinion sir?
for the Volksgarden 40 is a good number for me and 3 lbs is no problem and over 5 is doable and is being done with King Lui

this is an older omega well 2 of them so thats like 4 volksgardens



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up on the Popular Science thing. Wayyyyyyy outta my ballpark, but I can see the lawyers and accountants among us thinking.


Well-Known Member
well it has more to do with building sustainable cities and reforming farming so its more of a collective thing then an individual thing. check out the Columbia university think tank `Vertical Farm` to see what the buz is about


Well-Known Member
the way these things work is as the plants are rotating there always fighting gravity they grow short, bush and have hugh stocks there super strong to they also grow faster
you can pick up a used omega for about 2g's

does any one have the specs on the motor it wouldn't be hard to build one out of old farm stuff

also for the illegal's out there if you get caught with one of these your facing real jail time http://digg.com/odd_stuff/Man_Gets_15_Years_in_Prison_for_Sophisticated_Marijuana_Ferris_Wheel

it links to a dea website but good read


Well-Known Member
please stop posting the SAME pic!!! and please post a grow journal or some NEW pics or else no one is ever going to listen to you about these damn omega gardens! i am interested and if you can provide some recent pics and/or a grow journal i would be seriously interested, but for now everytime you post all i think is spam...


Well-Known Member
The DEA article reads

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]In March of 2004, someone discovered the grow operation and LATHAM determined it needed to be moved. In the middle of the night on March 8, 2004, LATHAM and others attempted to move the operation to a warehouse at S. Clement Street in Tacoma. Neighbors heard what they thought was suspicious activity in the alley and called Tacoma Police. LATHAM was arrested and 2,083 marijuana plants were seized".

If they had Volksgardens moving the operation would have been quick, easy, and relatively quiet. Could have easily been a one man move as well.


New Member
finished ??????

how do your one footers yield? and what does the root ball look like

i want pics
Check this site out: Roto Grow - Bubbleman's Hideout

This is a different rotary garden but same concept. Looks GOOD! Note that the distance from the plant slot to the light is 24", 10" more than the Volksgarden, which I think is key. I would have 2 Volksgardens in my garage right now if it were'nt for this issue. It needs to be twice as much distance to the plants allowing for 20" plants. Also, this system has the capacity for 2 bulbs. That way you can run HPS AND MH simultaneously, or twice as much HPS wattage. Also, this system is truly plug and play with the bulbs/ballasts/rez etc. all included. A system similar to the one I posted but more affordable which I am looking into buying is the GI Grow (120/240/330 capacity). Cheers.


New Member
the way these things work is as the plants are rotating there always fighting gravity they grow short, bush and have hugh stocks there super strong to they also grow faster
you can pick up a used omega for about 2g's

does any one have the specs on the motor it wouldn't be hard to build one out of old farm stuff

also for the illegal's out there if you get caught with one of these your facing real jail time Digg - Man Gets 15 Years in Prison for Sophisticated Marijuana Ferris Wheel

it links to a dea website but good read
That guy had over 2000 plants on 9 machines and 2 prior growing charges. If you have no previous offenses and grow less than 100 plants you would probably only get a slap on the wrist in most states.