
lol. Awe robot. That was a great post. Looks like lou saved it. Lol. I think censoring any drawing or painting or sculpture of sexual documentation is ridiculous. So when I saw what you did with your drawing with the blackouts I thought it was absurdly fitting today of how fucked we are with censorship and getting reported... and who is reporting and allowed to decide what is appropriate. I picked up this dollar bill Amsterdam a while ago. Europeans aren't as uptight about sex as Americans are.
View attachment 3881869
lol its alright. Sorry guys, not sure what I did wrong. Thank you Big LOU.
Ugh, its no big deal, I get the feeling that censorship will never end, we just need to put up with it here, its too ingrained in American culture at this point.
That bill is hilarious, I want to know what porn those pics are from, looks like some good vintage shit! :)
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Further elaboration on this topic: YES i AM a fucked up pervert, but as long as no one is being taken advantage of, I am OK with porn, but I know this is rarely the case. Unfortunately, people often get taken advantage of in the real world. I didn't want to think about it for a long time, but I think it's why I have become less interested as time goes on.
The violent stuff in porn makes me sick to my stomach, I don't want to see people getting humiliated because they have to make a living. A lady friend asked me to slap her ass once, I could barely bring myself to do that. If people are into it, I say all the power to you man, just not my thing. (I am ok with this stuff in art/illustrations)
I think the religious and moral points people have brought up in the thread are interesting. I am NOT a supporter of religion AT ALL myself, but I can respect people's beliefs all the same, how you want to live and raise your children is up to you, as long as you understand that not everyone has the same belief structure, but most people rarely understand this. I WAS raised in a no alcohol, no sex, no girlfriends even, type of religious household, fuck dude, certain people even made me feel like drawing anything was wrong, I had to keep everything to myself and it just kept getting weirder. Possibly one of the reasons why I looked to alcohol as an escape and why I was OBSESSED with porn for years. Not trying to judge or give advice, but if you guys have kids, maybe think twice about being so strict. :peace:
What do you think about the idea that some people get off on humiliation? I feel like you can enjoy many different aspects of sex as long as everything is consentual and everyone involved is having a good time. It can even bring you closer together as a unit.
What do you think about the idea that some people get off on humiliation? I feel like you can enjoy many different aspects of sex as long as everything is consentual and everyone involved is having a good time. It can even bring you closer together as a unit.

I think that's totally fine. Everyone's got their thing they're into. I am alright with that too, but only to a certain extent.
Personally, just not into the stuff where a woman's getting slapped and choked, spit on till she's crying and clearly doesn't want to be there. I know some people love it, but I can't watch that. Totally fine with the BDSM type stuff, was into some of that in the past.
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I think that's totally fine. Everyone's got their thing they're into. I am alright with that too, but only to a certain extent.
Personally, just not into the stuff where a woman's getting slapped and choked, spit on till she's crying and clearly doesn't want to be there. I know some people love it, but I can't watch that. Totally fine with the BDSM type stuff, was into some of that in the past.
OK, thanks for the clarification. I agree with you

On another note, Japanese porn is interesting in that they censor the penis and vagina, but not assholes or nipples. I always thought censorship of nudity in America was inconsistent and strange since you can see male nipples but not female nipples, but Japan takes it to a whole new level. From what I remember reading, they enacted some obscenity laws a long time ago, so any porn that's produced in Japan has to abide by the censorship laws, which is ironic considering the stuff that actually comes out of Japan.. Could be a reflection of the repression kind of like the Christian/Catholic schoolgirl stereotype exists in America.
OK, thanks for the clarification. I agree with you

On another note, Japanese porn is interesting in that they censor the penis and vagina, but not assholes or nipples. I always thought censorship of nudity in America was inconsistent and strange since you can see male nipples but not female nipples, but Japan takes it to a whole new level. From what I remember reading, they enacted some obscenity laws a long time ago, so any porn that's produced in Japan has to abide by the censorship laws, which is ironic considering the stuff that actually comes out of Japan.. Could be a reflection of the repression kind of like the Christian/Catholic schoolgirl stereotype exists in America.

Japanese porn was fucking insane a few years ago, I can't even describe the kind of fucked up shit that's come out of there to get around that censorship law. You are absolutely correct.
I believe porn now, to be evil. I had a severe addiction to it, I was masterbating for a few hours on end until recently. My semen has been watery and not thick and white for some time, my interest in sex with my gf quite low, my erections poor bordering on occasional ED, no confidence around other women, no morning wood. Until a few weeks ago i decided to try quitting.

Within around 10 to 14 days I was starting to feel fantastic

.All symptoms reversed, feeling horny all the time, getting morning wood, spontaneous semi's around other females ,which hadn't happened in years. Generally feeling more energy, reversal of depression I had been feeling, desire to have sex again and my semen was thick and white again like it should be, also a lot of it. Even women seemed to be reacting to me differently the other day when i was on my good run, I was getting smiles and looks all over the place.

Then I had a really bad day the other day and relapsed watched about an hour of standard porn (3 girls let multiple guys creampie their pussies) and jerked off. My semen still thick and plentiful and an amazing orgasm. The next day (yesterday) I felt a little worse, and decided F it I'll go again. Watched around 2 hours of porn, but this time relapsing hard into my more extreme fetishes like grandmas and old/young combos. I then jerked off a second time. My jizz pretty much back to a trickle of watery crap. Then I also had sex with my gf just to keep her happy, as you can imagine I was not up for it much at all, didn't get fully hard had delayed ejaculation took ages to cum. Today I feel absolutley terrible. No energy, depressed feeling, had the oppurtunity to chat up some pretty girls at work but didn't ,no interest.
I resolve to quit forever this time. Porn in my book is the hardest drug out there. it's pure dopamine. but artificially creating these dopamine hits just burns you out and robs you of the ability or desire to achieve these hits the way nature intended. The role of it, is to give man the masculine confidence and desire for real sex. By watching porn you are milking yourself dry of your very masculinity. If you wanna think on an evolutionary,chimp kind of level, it was probably the weak pathetic omega males who resorted to whacking off their own meat as they watched the real males fuck the females. .

rant over. good topic.
I believe porn now, to be evil. I had a severe addiction to it, I was masterbating for a few hours on end until recently. My semen has been watery and not thick and white for some time, my interest in sex with my gf quite low, my erections poor bordering on occasional ED, no confidence around other women, no morning wood. Until a few weeks ago i decided to try quitting.

Within around 10 to 14 days I was starting to feel fantastic

.All symptoms reversed, feeling horny all the time, getting morning wood, spontaneous semi's around other females ,which hadn't happened in years. Generally feeling more energy, reversal of depression I had been feeling, desire to have sex again and my semen was thick and white again like it should be, also a lot of it. Even women seemed to be reacting to me differently the other day when i was on my good run, I was getting smiles and looks all over the place.

Then I had a really bad day the other day and relapsed watched about an hour of standard porn (3 girls let multiple guys creampie their pussies) and jerked off. My semen still thick and plentiful and an amazing orgasm. The next day (yesterday) I felt a little worse, and decided F it I'll go again. Watched around 2 hours of porn, but this time relapsing hard into my more extreme fetishes like grandmas and old/young combos. I then jerked off a second time. My jizz pretty much back to a trickle of watery crap. Then I also had sex with my gf just to keep her happy, as you can imagine I was not up for it much at all, didn't get fully hard had delayed ejaculation took ages to cum. Today I feel absolutley terrible. No energy, depressed feeling, had the oppurtunity to chat up some pretty girls at work but didn't ,no interest.
I resolve to quit forever this time. Porn in my book is the hardest drug out there. it's pure dopamine. but artificially creating these dopamine hits just burns you out and robs you of the ability or desire to achieve these hits the way nature intended. The role of it, is to give man the masculine confidence and desire for real sex. By watching porn you are milking yourself dry of your very masculinity. If you wanna think on an evolutionary,chimp kind of level, it was probably the weak pathetic omega males who resorted to whacking off their own meat as they watched the real males fuck the females. .

rant over. good topic.

Damn dude, I hope you feel better, there's gotta be people who can help you with this out there, but its a fucked up thing to talk about. While I don't agree 100% with your thoughts on porn or its purpose, I totally see where you're coming from, it has the potential to warp your view of sexuality, removes any emotions that should probably be associated with it.
THanks for the concern. I avoided it yesterday and am feeling more positive. Though the last time it did take a few weeks before i felt better. You see, I think maybe some people are more at risk than others. I by nature have an extremely addictive, pleasure seeking personality . I have been addicted and taken to the extremes everything from gambling, drinking, drugs, cigarretes, porn.. pretty much anything which one can get addicted to. But yet some people can enjoy a little porn, or have a casual drink and not want or need to take it to extreme. I mean warped sexuality, thats a good way to put it. I'm not even attracted to old women for instance, but when it comes to fapping, there comes a point where i think it would be pretty hot to see one get fucked. it's bizarre.
THanks for the concern. I avoided it yesterday and am feeling more positive. Though the last time it did take a few weeks before i felt better. You see, I think maybe some people are more at risk than others. I by nature have an extremely addictive, pleasure seeking personality . I have been addicted and taken to the extremes everything from gambling, drinking, drugs, cigarretes, porn.. pretty much anything which one can get addicted to. But yet some people can enjoy a little porn, or have a casual drink and not want or need to take it to extreme. I mean warped sexuality, thats a good way to put it. I'm not even attracted to old women for instance, but when it comes to fapping, there comes a point where i think it would be pretty hot to see one get fucked. it's bizarre.
All things in moderation- moderation included!

she lika da skittlez
Hmm to be honest i'm not even sure. It probably has deep roots in my damaged psyche lol. Maybe its the thought that there are women out there who are considered unattractive, but not in the conventional sense of being extremely fat or extremely ugly who are not getting their sexual needs met and would absolutely jump at the chance to fuck a young man ie me.

Maybe its something to do with the conflicting innocent / slutty nature of them. They are considered by society innocent, weak , fragile, asexual . but the truth is they love getting fucked as much as a young woman. Not only that but theyve been around the block more than youd believe so there is a bit of a weird power dynamic going on.

Also its just unexpected and more "real" and therefore to me more of a turn on. I far prefer amateur style normal looking chicks with imperfections than model types with fske breasts. Makes the scenario feel more relevant to me personally
How old are we talking here? I mean even in "MILF" porn, the ladies can be in their late 20s up to like 50 something, but then there is the REAL weird shit, young guys with 70-80 year old women.
Maybe its something to do with the conflicting innocent / slutty nature of them. They are considered by society innocent, weak , fragile, asexual . but the truth is they love getting fucked as much as a young woman. Not only that but theyve been around the block more than youd believe so there is a bit of a weird power dynamic going on.

Also its just unexpected and more "real" and therefore to me more of a turn on. I far prefer amateur style normal looking chicks with imperfections than model types with fske breasts. Makes the scenario feel more relevant to me personally
Hey man, thanks for the reply. I can kind of identify with this part of your explanation as well. I also find the young/old genre of porn sort of appealing for these same reasons.

Thanks for sharing your perspective
How old are we talking here? I mean even in "MILF" porn, the ladies can be in their late 20s up to like 50 something, but then there is the REAL weird shit, young guys with 70-80 year old women.
Not sure really, I've seen porn with women who are probably in their 60s that's still sexually appealing to my senses

I think when it comes to sexuality, because it's such a taboo and provocative subject by nature within American culture, those that aren't into what you're into will condemn it as perverted or unnatural. Why? I'm not entirely sure.. If you like a movie I don't like, I don't call you disgusting for liking it. But when it comes to human sexuality, that seems to be OK to most people. Maybe they don't want to be associated with liking the same things because they feel like they'd be ostracized by society (which they themselves perpetuate by denying it). If we all, openly admitted our sexual kinks, without fear of being shunned by our society, I think we would be happier and most of our own sexual lives would be better.
Age wise i think right up to late 60s early 70s. The age were they can still get on top and put a bit off energy into. Ive seen a few reeallly old like 90s but they look gross by that age .Yeh its really interesting trying to figure out the psychology behind fetishes like this.i Also think pregnant women are great. Again possibly the taboo nature of it ...almost forbidden fruit but not quite
inbtween a man having sex with a woman or a man if you're so inclined he gets an urge when someone isn't around and in that situation a good ole fashioned dick tug happens from time to time.. It has only become easier with streaming porn sites.

I remember the days in my home when i was a young man (now 31).. where I'd have to turn to channel 31 (HBO) which we werent subscribed to but if you stared hard enough into the television static you might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a tit and if the skies were extra clear that night you might even be lucky enough to see a nip.

When I was 13 I once found a vhs porn of my fathers.. It was called "fuck whores volume 5" , I nearly jerked every bit of skin off my cock.
When I was 13 I once found a vhs porn of my fathers.. It was called "fuck whores volume 5" , I nearly jerked every bit of skin off my cock.
So another important aspect of this conversation about porn, I think, is how you were treated by your parents (or guardians) when it came to the subject of porn or how they treated it. I remember when I was a kid first coming into my sexuality, first discovering porn, probably a little bit before I really had access to the internet, they condemned it. I remember feeling a strong sense of embarrassment the first time I got caught looking at porn. Like I did something super seriously wrong. I felt guilt and shame. So obviously I don't think that's the way to go about treating your kid when you find out they've discovered what sex is.

If I ever have kids of my own, I think I'll talk to them about sex well before they ever go looking for porn.